By overwhelming margins, Americans don’t want biological men competing in women’s sports. Surveys consistently show at least 60% opposed and just 30% in support at best, even surveys by left-leaning sources like NPR and The Washington Post.
Chicago seems intent on replacing Martha’s Vineyard in national headlines about hypocrisy over treatment of border crossers. Bougie, liberal Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts is being widely ridiculed for promptly shipping out some 50 Venezuelan immigrants flown in from Florida. But that’s nothing compared to Chicago, which has boasted of being America’s “most immigrant-friendly city.”
Laws that go around the normal rate-setting process are driving up energy prices for Illinois consumers. These laws were central to the scandal that brought down the nation’s longest-serving House speaker.
One of the greatest sins of our government’s approach to the COVID pandemic has been its oppressive treatment of children. Lockdowns, remote-learning and other mitigation policies have stunted the mental, physical, social and emotional development of children for two years. Research and coverage from NPR, New York Times, the Atlantic and other media increasingly show the damage to children has been enormous, though we won’t know the full impact for decades.
It’s time for public officials like Gov. JB Pritzker to check the political winds on their COVID policies. They may cling to their version of science, but the politics have shifted against them, even within their own party. They are rapidly being left behind, putting Illinois and a few other states in outlier status on COVID policy, particularly for children.
Many Illinois school districts are shutting down in-class learning due to the jump in COVID cases, but another set of numbers argue that schools should stay open – and in fact, open even more.
Asking Illinoisans to pay more in taxes to receive less in services has been the trend in state government for the past decade, driven by the ever-growing cost of Illinois’ worst-in-the-nation pension crisis.
The Illinois Supreme Court and Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts (AOIC) announced the hiring of Deanie Brown as the Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer (CDIO), a senior level position reporting to the AOIC Director.
Over half of survey respondents have considered leaving Illinois, citing dysfunctional government, disappointing job opportunities and – above all – high taxes.