Their View News

Their View
Labeling your political opponents 'Nazis' won't help anyone, Mr. Governor
Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker used his annual State of the State Address to lash out at President Donald Trump and his supporters - potentially including more than 40% of all Illinoisans - calling them all 'Nazis.' Such rhetoric was as irresponsible as it was inflammatory, stoking only more hatred and division, said Mark Glennon

Their View
Felon Madigan should repay taxpayers nearly $600K for public pension
Former Illinois House Speaker Mike Madigan was convicted of misusing his public office for his own power and profit. Not only should his public pension be halted, he should repay the nearly $600,000 taxpayers already paid the felon.
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It's a Wonderful County!
“George, don’t you see, you really had a wonderful county. Don’t you see how bad it would be to throw it all away because of greed and selfishness?”
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The Night Before Trump
And all through D.C....The people were wondering, Just what was to be.
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After failing last time, Dems try again to get Illinois voters to say they want progressive income tax
Illinoisans should watch out for the next try at a progressive income tax on the November ballot in the name of property tax relief, says reform advocacy group Wirepoints
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The Obamas 2024…the fraud continues
As they spoke, each playing the race and class warfare card, I could not help but ask…do they understand who is in the White House. Now?
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Hands Up...Don't Think!
Of all the lies surrounding the death of Michael Brown ¬- he was a gentle Giant from the loving, supportive family, the ‘college’ bound young man, the hysteria that race played any role in the shooting ¬- by far the worst is the myth of "Hands up, Don’t Shoot."
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The Obama coup
Cramming down the throat always results in a gag reflex. This will be the case with the Harris candidacy.
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Ignorance is on the ballot this November
Democrats are campaigning on a legal hoax. Abortion cannot be banned or ensconced as a constitutional right by anything other than a constitutional amendment, says Edwardsville lawyer
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Welcome to Pottery Barn. I’m Joe. Can I help you?
The WOKE elements who place social engineering above all else, who transferred the founding motto of “E pluribus Unum” into rank tribalism, the elements who now see that the Biden charade has now been exposed, cannot at this date switch horses. Joe was, is and shall remain their guy.
Their View
While Obama stays silent, the Country convulses
From the Senate Majority leader to the House Minority Leader to even the President - all lawyers themselves - the attack on the Court is both unwarranted, unprecedented and unwise.
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Chicago criminals out on probation/parole/pretrial release continue violence in 2024
One thing Chicagoans can’t help but notice when scrolling through news feeds: the number of violent crimes committed by defendants while they were out either on parole, probation or awaiting trial.
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Let the government censor away through agents it controls, say Kwame Raoul and Cabal of A.G.s to U.S. Supreme Court
This shouldn’t be hard to understand: If you think government should have the power to censor what it says is false, then you don’t believe in the bedrock of a democratic republic: free speech.
Their View
Township supervisor gets $224K, but salary drops to $25K if voters pick someone else
An embattled Chicago-area township supervisor is being accused of discouraging competition ahead of her campaign by cutting the position’s pay if she loses. It may be illegal, but someone would need to sue.
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5 Illinois metro areas await pandemic recovery, most add jobs in December
Seven of 13 Illinois metro areas added jobs from November to December 2023, led by the St. Louis area. Five metros still reported fewer jobs than prior to the pandemic.
Their View
States are rejecting progressive tax schemes, moving to flat tax structures
In 2020, Illinoisans rejected Gov. J.B. Pritzker and his legislative allies’ push for a progressive income tax scheme in Illinois. And with it, they rejected claims a progressive tax would “modernize” Illinois’ income tax.
Their View
Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker cheers ‘record-setting growth for adult-use cannabis sales’
Health and mental effects of cannabis use are described here by the National Institute on Drug Abuse. And the Wall Street Journal has a great new column on how badly the government is understating harm from cannabis.
Their View
How much dishonesty about illegal immigrants can Gov. Pritzker cram into a minute and a half?
Gov. JB Pritzker was asked last week for his response to press conferences where some lawmakers called for an end to Illinois’ status as a sanctuary or welcoming state and want more transparency on what’s being spent on migrants.
Their View
Here’s what’s wrong with Pritzker’s emergency power proclamation for immigration crisis
You needn’t look much beyond the four corners of Gov. JB Pritzker’s latest emergency disaster proclamation to see what’s wrong with Illinois’ response to illegal immigration. Pritzker issued his eighteenth such monthly proclamation on January 5.
Their View
Illinois tax rates out-of-sync with those in neighboring states, most of the nation
There are many factors that motivate people to move out of Illinois, but taxes often rank highest on the list. For good reason.