Our View News

Our View
Madison County’s 2022 judicial elections might be called DeLaurenti’s ‘Redemption’
The unseating of judges DeLaurenti and Mosele almost 25 years ago was known then and now as "the Vendetta."

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Barry Julian does not deserve being anointed judge
Wouldn't it be something if we could trust government when they tell us "this bill" needs to pass because "it will make things better?"
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Distinguished Service Award is misplaced
Is St. Clair County Chief Judge Andrew Gleeson deserving of an Illinois Defense Counsel "Distinguished Service Award," an organization of attorneys devoted to representing insurers and corporations in civil litigation?
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Champerty once was a crime and still should be
What’s the difference between liberals and conservatives? Conservatives look for things that are broken, so they can fix them. Liberals do just the opposite.
Our View
You can drive under the influence if you have influence
Everybody knows better than to drink and drive, but some people do it anyway. If caught, they’ll suffer serious consequences – unless, of course, the ones driving under the influence have influence.
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All their fabulous faces should be seen
Stop denying our children their humanity. Their faces are fabulous and should be seen.
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Why do so many legislators oppose transparency?
State Rep. Charlie Meier is an agitator and a troublemaker. And we need more of his kind in Springfield.
Our View
Here's hoping the good guys win judicial gerrymandering lawsuit
Kudos to State's Attorney Tom Haine and his assistant attorneys John Hanson and Emily Johnson for drafting a well-plead constitutional challenge to the grossly offensive judicial gerrymandering law rammed through the state legislature earlier this month.
Our View
Vaccine registry proposal is tops in totalitarianism
Just when you think Democrats in the Illinois General Assembly could not possibly come up with anything more totalitarian than canceling elections in places where opposition to their regime is growing, a member of the super majority came up with one.
Our View
What about Black voting rights in St. Clair County?
On the second-to-last day of last year, a three-judge panel at federal court in Chicago ruled that the latest comedy on political redistricting, starring top Illinois Democrats, did not violate the voting rights of racial minorities because it was clearly done for no other reason but partisan political advantage.
Our View
Why the gaslighting in St. Clair County?
Nearly five years ago at the St. Clair Country Club, attorney Margaret Lowery overheard something she wasn’t meant to hear. She repeated it to authorities, and ever since, trouble has followed in the form of bar complaints.
Our View
Local courts recognized as ‘Everlasting Judicial Hellholes’
The economic impact is staggering.
Our View
St. Clair County voters should let board members know what they think of map
When St. Clair County board members vote up or down on the latest redistricted political map next Tuesday, they will be sealing the direction of county governance for the next decade.
Our View
You have the right to be forced to comply
1984 is here, folks. It may be 37 years late, but it’s here now. Words mean nothing. Truth is what the public servants who have become our masters say it is.
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Do you want us to draw you a map?
Whether Joseph Stalin said it or not, it’s certainly true of certain elections in certain precincts: “The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.”
Our View
Bankrupt asbestos firms fight back against double dippers
The double-dipping days are done.
Our View
St. Clair County’s map should reflect reality, not the machine’s fantasy
St. Clair County is a microcosm of what’s happening in America, and its political boundaries should reflect that reality.
Our View
You want my fingerprint? Here’s a finger!
Last year, some in state Facebook users invoked the Illinois biometrics privacy law and sued FB, claiming it violated their privacy rights by not obtaining permission from them in advance for its photo tagging system.
Our View
Things improve in Cahokia Heist, but not for citizens
Remember Alcentra, the proposed name for a new town in St. Clair County to be formed from the merger of Alorton and Centreville? Then, public officials in Cahokia caught merger mania and decided to throw in with the other two declining communities.