Mark Glennon, Wirepoints News
Labeling your political opponents 'Nazis' won't help anyone, Mr. Governor
Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker used his annual State of the State Address to lash out at President Donald Trump and his supporters - potentially including more than 40% of all Illinoisans - calling them all 'Nazis.' Such rhetoric was as irresponsible as it was inflammatory, stoking only more hatred and division, said Mark Glennon
Let the government censor away through agents it controls, say Kwame Raoul and Cabal of A.G.s to U.S. Supreme Court
This shouldn’t be hard to understand: If you think government should have the power to censor what it says is false, then you don’t believe in the bedrock of a democratic republic: free speech.
Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker cheers ‘record-setting growth for adult-use cannabis sales’
Health and mental effects of cannabis use are described here by the National Institute on Drug Abuse. And the Wall Street Journal has a great new column on how badly the government is understating harm from cannabis.
How much dishonesty about illegal immigrants can Gov. Pritzker cram into a minute and a half?
Gov. JB Pritzker was asked last week for his response to press conferences where some lawmakers called for an end to Illinois’ status as a sanctuary or welcoming state and want more transparency on what’s being spent on migrants.
Here’s what’s wrong with Pritzker’s emergency power proclamation for immigration crisis
You needn’t look much beyond the four corners of Gov. JB Pritzker’s latest emergency disaster proclamation to see what’s wrong with Illinois’ response to illegal immigration. Pritzker issued his eighteenth such monthly proclamation on January 5.
Illinois is a moderate state: Its progressive leaders are out of touch
For its New Year’s resolution, Illinois should look in the mirror and acknowledge what it is.
Why you should miss Squeezy the Pension Python
Illinois recently released its biggest, regular report on government pensions. Before getting to that, however, it’s fascinating to look back on what was widely agreed about pensions not long ago, and how all that was said is now forgotten.
Universities better get ahead of surging anti-woke backlash. The University of Illinois should go first.
Most Americans of every political stripe gagged last week seeing three leading university presidents’ Congressional testimony on anti-semitism. After years of punishment and censorship of centrist and conservative viewpoints at their schools and others across America, none of the three could say that calls for genocide against Jews violated their schools’ codes of conduct.
Pritzker asks Biden to help Illinois attract more migrants
Gov. JB Pritzker met with Pres. Joe Biden for 45 minutes during Biden’s Thursday Illinois visit.
Chinese state-run publication cheers Gotion’s Illinois and Michigan projects as expansion of global supremacy in E.V. supply chain
The Global Times is a Chinese government publication controlled by the Chinese Communist Party. Its October 31 column celebrates China’s expansion of its dominance over the the electric vehicle and battery supply line into the United States and the rest of the world.
NewsGuard, part of the government-media censorship complex, promoted by Chicago Tribune to combat ‘misinformation’
This was Media Literacy Week, and the Chicago Tribune’s contribution was an op-ed by the executive editor of NewsGuard, a supposed warrior against media misinformation.
Former Consul General of Venezuela in Chicago says Venezuelans, now the majority of Chicago migrants, lie to get asylum
A majority of migrants bused to Chicago over the past year are Venezuelans, including at least 59% of the 8,360 people in city shelters. Nationally, they are also now the largest group of illegal border crossers.
New Poll: Pritzker’s approval rating sinks to 40.5%; Biden up 9% over Trump in Illinois
A new poll of Illinois voters by Emerson College says Gov. JB Pritzker carries a 40.5% approval rating.
Gotion’s Illinois-China Controversy Reaches Presidential Candidate Platform; National Attention Expands
Presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy slammed plans for Gotion’s electric vehicle lithium battery plants in Illinois and Michigan at a Wednesday rally near the Michigan proposed site. Gotion, which is Chinese owned, is set to receive about $8 billion in taxpayer subsidies for its Manteno plant, which will cost only $2 billion to build, and the company has clear ties to the Chinese Communist Party.
The case for optimism: Why we can overcome these dark hours for America and Illinois
In its darkest hours, the American Revolution, America faced a single threat – the British Army – but today, the list of its mortal threats is long: an open border order, rampant crime, politicized schools, politicized justice, inflation, lost energy independence, biased and corrupt media, woke everything and suppression of free speech by social media colluding with the government.
Pritzker resorts to labeling - false labeling - to fend off criticism of his Chinese communist-linked project in Illinois
Gov. JB Pritzker finally responded to criticism of his recently announced electric vehicle battery factory to be built in Manteno, Illinois by Gotion, which is closely tied to the Chinese Communist Party – the CCP.
Migrant crisis is apocalypse now - and worsening - but Illinois leadership ignores the only solution. Why?
For Chicago and Illinois, suicide is apparently preferable to the only real solution available – ending sanctuary status and demanding that the border be enforced.
As request for federal bailout pends, does anybody have a clue how much migrants arriving in Chicago are costing taxpayers?
Layer after layer is piling up of incoherent numbers about the cost to taxpayers of migrants arriving in Chicago. It’s no surprise that the city and the state have now asked for a federal bailout from migrant costs, but how much is needed?
An important lesson from Chicago on confronting the enemies of free speech
The modern left’s assault on free speech is perhaps the most terrifying element of the madness we have succumbed to for the simple reason that democracy is meaningless without it. The assault has been largely successful. Voices that should be heard are muzzled and, more insidiously, countless other voices are frightened into silence.
Illinois 'anti-doxing' bill becomes law - the latest attack on free speech
Gov. JB Pritzker recently signed the Illinois Civil Liability for Doxing Act. But do not blame him or his party alone for this misguided, unconstitutional legislation. Astonishingly, it passed unanimously in both the Illinois House and Senate.