
Vaccine registry proposal is tops in totalitarianism


Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Vaccine registry proposal is tops in totalitarianism

Our View
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Just when you think Democrats in the Illinois General Assembly could not possibly come up with anything more totalitarian than canceling elections in places where opposition to their regime is growing, a member of the super majority came up with one.

A week after passing legislation that was specifically written to eliminate two Madison County Republican judges from running for election – without public hearing, without mandate, without input from local officials – a Democrat state representative advanced a bill that forces health-related professionals to submit vaccine records into a state registry.

Why does bill sponsor, Comrade Bob Morgan, think we need this? Who asked for it?

Is the real purpose designed to single out those who have elected not to get a Covid-19 vaccine, to exclude them from society? Exclude them from voting, exclude them from receiving certain goods and services? Round them up?

There are hundreds of other things the state legislature should be focused on - for starters growing jobs and opportunities - but that’s not how the super majority rolls. Springfield seems intent on meddling where they don’t belong and intent on eroding civil liberties.

Here's the thing: People have already made up their minds on the vaccine. There’s nothing more the government can do to persuade the unvaccinated. The government should know this by now, and probably does.

There is a bright side, however, and more than 10,000 reasons to hope that this dangerous, anti-American vaccine registry proposal will die, as it should: the good people of Illinois have made their voices clear.

“Our medical info is none of your business,” sums up what folks are saying about Morgan’s bill. At last check, opponents outnumbered proponents by about 75-1.

In the meantime, we await word from State’s Attorney Tom Haine, who is contemplating legal action over the new law that gerrymanders Madison County’s judiciary.

State Sen. Jason Plummer had serious questions about the process used to ram through the unwanted subcircuit bill, all in the name of faux diversity: “Who drew the map if the Illinois state Senate did not draw the map? Who wrote the bill? Why was it done?”

Good questions. Let’s hope Tom Haine can get some answers.

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