
Do you want us to draw you a map?


Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Do you want us to draw you a map?

Our View

Whether Joseph Stalin said it or not, it’s certainly true of certain elections in certain precincts: “The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.”

It sounds like something Stalin would have said, capturing his cynical approach to elections and to governance and to just about everything, as does the quote – attributed to Vladimir Lenin, correctly or not – that “you have to break eggs in order to make an omelet.”

The so-called fact-checkers at Snopes and Politifact may not be satisfied with those weaselly disclaimers, but hey, we concede that Stalin and Lenin might not have said them. What matters to us is that they do capture a certain Stalinist/Leninist mindset, which has been displayed for a century or more by members of the American socialist party, which is gaining ground within the increasingly leftist Democrat Party.

“The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.” Can you think of a recent election that sentiment might apply to, an election in which the counting seemed to matter much more than the voting? Can you think of certain precincts where the counting in every election seems to tip elections a certain way?

Before votes are counted, however, and before they’re even cast, legislative districts have to be drawn, and that’s where the mischief begins, a mischief that Democrat politicians in Illinois are particularly adept at. Or maybe they’re not that adept. The maps they draw are brazenly partisan, not subtle in the least. But, if you have a super-majority in the legislature, you can get away with that kind of ham-handedness.

Whether it’s U.S. congressional districts, state legislative districts, or state judicial districts, the Dems draw them the way it will benefit them the most, and what they’re trying to pass off as a fair map right now is offensive to the core.

“This proposed map, along with this entire redistricting process, is a complete joke,” says Republican Congressman Rodney Davis. “It’s clear Governor Pritzker and the Democrats will stoop to any low if it means they can keep their corrupt system going.”

Why should you care? This proposal would likely add one Democrat vote and reduce one Republican vote in the House of Representatives. So, if you like your Speaker Pelosi you can keep your Speaker Pelosi if this “joke” is enacted.  


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