
The Obamas 2024…the fraud continues


Friday, February 21, 2025

The Obamas 2024…the fraud continues

Their View
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Attorney John J. Hopkins | Hopkins

A veteran Congressman came home to the District to campaign for re-election. As he went from diner to coffee shop to grocery store, same refrain…“Can you help me fix things in Washington?” Finally, an old, retired steelworker was asked, to which he replied: “You bet. We sure gotta get rid of the son of a bitch that’s in there now.” 

This story was a favorite of former Congressman Jerry Costello, and I thought about it as we listened to the Obamas speak at the Democrat convention last Tuesday night on the way home from the Cardinals’ loss. Symmetry in place…Obamas and the Cardinals...both overrated losers. As they spoke, each playing the race and class warfare card, I could not help but ask…do they understand who is in the White House. Now? Obviously not, as their entire hour-long rants were cheap personal attacks on Trump, followed by weak attempts to recycle Obama 2008 – HOPE and CHANGE. Arrogantly ignoring the reality of who has been in charge for the majority of the past decades, they both droned on religiously moralizing. Let us examine.  

In the past 16 years – a virtual generation, 75% of the time, 12 of 16 years, Democrats have occupied the White House. During this time, either the President or the Vice President was Black. How is it that a claim of “Hope for Change” is remotely legitimate. Truth is, it is not. Democrats run best when criticizing the system as racist and unfair, crying out for their magical wand of fairness. When the reality of their currently being in charge of a country that only 20% believe to be on the right direction intrudes on the media driven fantasy of blaming a corrupt system, it is just ignored with shouts of “Joy.” The return to decency, “a new chapter and a better story,” simply cannot be squared with the truth. 

Harris is not a fresh choice. She is Joe Biden without the intelligence. Yet the Obamas would have us believe that she has transformed from Forest Gump to John F. Kennedy overnight, all the while shamefully daring any critics to be branded as modern racists. Barack the Hussein Obama stabbed poor Joe Biden in the back, because he was too disabled to function, too stubborn to leave. Whatever the pressure that was used to extort Biden’ s involuntary withdrawal, Barack stands in back with bloody hands. His faint praise at the convention rings hollow, even for him. To suggest a Harris election brings a new dawn of racial harmony is so hypocritical, this from the man who did more to polarize America than any other man in modern American politics.  

But as bad as Barack was, Michelle was so much worse. Brief history of Mrs. Obama. As she returned to sweet home Chicago, she reflected uncharacteristically genuinely on her mother and relatives. But neglected in the history tour was her stint with the University of Chicago. She was employed as a diversity officer, with a salary north of $250,000. It was obviously an essential function, and not an early example of DEI creating a token, unnecessary position. When her husband was elected to higher office, she resigned. This was 2008, 16  years ago. Her position remains unfilled. Her attraction for Harris is therefore forged in a mutual experience.  

Her snide comments notwithstanding, the most glaring inaccurate slander against Trump was the about “Black jobs.” Trump’s oft quoted analysis of the effects of Biden -Harris open border – and no matter what she now claims, the border was her assignment, and she failed - dealt with the usurpation of jobs by illegal immigrants. They would be low paying, nonunion jobs. The facts are that 48% of black people hold jobs under the annual salary of $33,000 per year…roughly $15.40 an hour. They are predominantly in medical service, food and hospitality. Illegal immigrants working for less money threaten these jobs. It is that simple. Instead of recognizing the value of such analysis and trying to work to stem the tide as Trump did with Executive Orders, she mocks with a juvenile remark beneath the dignity of her status as former First Lady. This all the time preaching the gospel of civility and respect. Heal thyself, heal thyself.  

The oft quoted Republican Abraham Lincoln once said that, “You can fool some of the people all of the time, all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.” This must be the mantra of the Trump campaign. The mainstream media will not. Quit complaining and do it yourself. Too much depends on the election outcome. Rise to the challenge and succeed. Be not afraid.  


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