
Stories by Tad Armstrong on Madison - St. Clair Record


Saturday, March 29, 2025

Tad Armstrong News

Ignorance is on the ballot this November

By Tad Armstrong |
Democrats are campaigning on a legal hoax. Abortion cannot be banned or ensconced as a constitutional right by anything other than a constitutional amendment, says Edwardsville lawyer

Elections have consequences - for the Presidency and Senate

By Tad Armstrong |
Soon after President Obama’s inauguration in January of 2009, he told a group of congressional Republicans that “elections have consequences…I won.”

Voices from the Golden Years: HCA in Kunsan

By Tad Armstrong |
All the nurses loved him. On numerous occasions when I visited him at Meridian, I would catch him telling one of his favorite and legendary courtroom stories to three or four nurses – nervous Nellies who worried they might get caught slacking, but who could not resist risking their jobs to hear a good war story from Harry.

Good riddance Chicago…If only

By Tad Armstrong |
I would be first in line to support dividing the State of Illinois into the State of Chicago and the State of [Blank].

Some King Corona observations

By Tad Armstrong |
Folks, we must not live in fear. Romans 8:28 teaches us that “in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” We should turn to our Creator, seek his face and pray that He will heal our land. Take courage.

Freedom is a risky business…and so is life if you dare to live it

By Tad Armstrong |
We are in grave danger of losing both freedom and a life worth living. We are in danger of becoming a totalitarian state.

The truth about treason - Hoda Muthana - if anyone cares

By Tad Armstrong |
The most tortured word in the annals of American law surely must be the word “treason.”

The Obama standard: Has it been met?

By Tad Armstrong |
So, before shedding a tear of praise and applauding the cheerful and blind optimism of the Obamas and the Obama third-term-wannabe, I want the grandparents, parents and teens in Detroit, Chicago, Spartanburg (S.C.), Houston, Greenville (S.C.), Atlanta, Saginaw (Mich.), Memphis and St. Louis (nine cities labeled as “war zones” by most) to grade Michelle’s self-proclaimed reason to exist. Have they “left something better” for your kids and grandkids?

The Rule of Law is on life support; chaos and tyranny await at bedside

By Tad Armstrong |
Fast and Furious…IRS targeting of conservatives…IRS destruction of evidence in the midst of an investigation…Veterans’ Administration fabrication of evidence…Benghazi…Eric Holder perjury…GSA Las Vegas extravaganzas…Solyndra…New Black Panthers…release of convicted violent illegal aliens…then there is Hillary (private servers, destruction of evidence, lying to Congress and the FBI, extremely careless actions putting our nation and people at risk).

Freedom's Slow Death

By Tad Armstrong |

Obamacare: Death of 'The Rule of Law'

By Tad Armstrong |

President Obama’s Thirst For Unlimited Power Has Transformed America

By Tad Armstrong |
ArmstrongThe President’s promise to transform America is one of the few he has kept - perhaps the only one. I don’t like his work product in the least, yet in spite of the known record of the President and the Democratic party leaders (Harry Reid, for example) to foment nonsensical hatred towards constitutional conservatives with descriptions like “anarchists,” “terrorists,” “haters of government,”

A willingness to be governed beyond constitutional boundaries spells the voluntary surrender of freedom

By Tad Armstrong |
(Editor's Note: Edwardsville attorney Armstrong turned an informal 2005 gathering into 3,000 pages of educational materials (written, in part, and edited, in full, by himself), five adult study clubs in Madison County and a student club at Edwardsville High School. He envisions an ELL Constitution Club (Earn It, Learn It or Lose It) in communities across the country and invites lawyers and citizens

Mr. President, Being King Isn't Always What It's Cracked Up To Be

By Tad Armstrong |
Congratulations on winning the Nobel Peace Prize, Mr. President, but, at a minimum, you'll have to fork over the Dough within 60 days of accepting it come this December when you fly to Oslo.

26+ Reasons to Get Off the Couch - Part III

By Tad Armstrong |
Editor's note:This is the third column in a three-part series

26+ Reasons to Get Off the Couch - Part II

By Tad Armstrong |
Ten Republicans on the Senate Finance Committee believe you are superhuman. They are the ones that sought a 72-hour Internet publication of their as-yet-unfinished version of a comprehensive Health Care Plan for Americans & Others (illegal immigrants).

26+ Reasons to Get Off the Couch-- Part I

By Tad Armstrong |
(Editor's note: This is the first of a three-part series).

Was 'general welfare' intended to include health care?

By Tad Armstrong |
Any American fifth grader knows our federal government has three branches, right? Remember the basics? The Legislative Branch (Congress) "makes" our laws, the Executive Branch (the President) "enforces" our laws and the Judicial Branch "interprets" our laws.