
News on Madison - St. Clair Record


Friday, February 21, 2025


Labeling your political opponents 'Nazis' won't help anyone, Mr. Governor

By Mark Glennon, Wirepoints |
Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker used his annual State of the State Address to lash out at President Donald Trump and his supporters - potentially including more than 40% of all Illinoisans - calling them all 'Nazis.' Such rhetoric was as irresponsible as it was inflammatory, stoking only more hatred and division, said Mark Glennon

Felon Madigan should repay taxpayers nearly $600K for public pension

By Amy Korte, Illinois Policy Institute |
Former Illinois House Speaker Mike Madigan was convicted of misusing his public office for his own power and profit. Not only should his public pension be halted, he should repay the nearly $600,000 taxpayers already paid the felon.

It's a Wonderful County!

By John J. Hopkins |
“George, don’t you see, you really had a wonderful county. Don’t you see how bad it would be to throw it all away because of greed and selfishness?”

The Night Before Trump

By John J. Hopkins |
And all through D.C....The people were wondering, Just what was to be.

After failing last time, Dems try again to get Illinois voters to say they want progressive income tax

By John Klingner and Ted Dabrowski, Wirepoints |
Illinoisans should watch out for the next try at a progressive income tax on the November ballot in the name of property tax relief, says reform advocacy group Wirepoints

The Obamas 2024…the fraud continues

By John J. Hopkins |
As they spoke, each playing the race and class warfare card, I could not help but ask…do they understand who is in the White House. Now?

Hands Up...Don't Think!

By John J. Hopkins |
Of all the lies surrounding the death of Michael Brown ¬- he was a gentle Giant from the loving, supportive family, the ‘college’ bound young man, the hysteria that race played any role in the shooting ¬- by far the worst is the myth of "Hands up, Don’t Shoot."

The Obama coup

By John J. Hopkins |
Cramming down the throat always results in a gag reflex. This will be the case with the Harris candidacy.

Ignorance is on the ballot this November

By Tad Armstrong |
Democrats are campaigning on a legal hoax. Abortion cannot be banned or ensconced as a constitutional right by anything other than a constitutional amendment, says Edwardsville lawyer

Welcome to Pottery Barn. I’m Joe. Can I help you?

By John J. Hopkins |
The WOKE elements who place social engineering above all else, who transferred the founding motto of “E pluribus Unum” into rank tribalism, the elements who now see that the Biden charade has now been exposed, cannot at this date switch horses. Joe was, is and shall remain their guy.

While Obama stays silent, the Country convulses

By John J. Hopkins |
From the Senate Majority leader to the House Minority Leader to even the President - all lawyers themselves - the attack on the Court is both unwarranted, unprecedented and unwise.

Prenzler reflects on lessons from the Covid lockdowns

By The Madison County Record |
This is what our founding fathers feared – that the government would try to censor free speech, as our government is trying to do today, with the excuse that it is “misinformation” or “hateful.”

Keeven: Illinois' Democrat supermajority tried to block ballot access, but 'we beat them at their own game'

By The Madison County Record |
In less than 36 hours from start to finish, the Democrats in the House and the Senate passed a law and the Governor signed it that is intended to keep me off the ballot. But, we beat them at their own game. So even though the supermajority in Springfield tried to stop us, you WILL have a choice in the 112th district this fall.

Prenzler asks Madison County Board to reconsider 'unnecessary' advisory resolution on forming new state

By The Madison County Record |
The Madison County Board voted 15-7 to put an advisory question on the ballot regarding communicating with other counties to separate from Cook County.

Prenzler explains claim that Slusser lost $12 million in investments

By The Madison County Record |
It’s simply poor investing – risky Chinese bonds at low interest rates – missed interest and a portfolio valued $12 million below cost.

Madison County auditor 'sets the record straight' on Slusser's investments

By The Madison County Record |
The Treasurer has NOT lost $12 million in County funds. That claim is 100% false. In fact, quite the opposite is true as Mr. Slusser has actually earned millions of dollars in interest on the different bonds, certificates of deposit, and investment pools that he regularly invests our reserves in.

Prenzler urges Madison County residents to be aware of tax levy in property assessments

By The Madison County Record |
Last week, property owners received postcards from the Madison County Board of Review with news of township multipliers that are increasing their assessed valuation. Keep your eye on the levy. Your property tax bill is the result of the levies from various taxing districts.

The smell of Spring and primaries

By The Madison County Record |
If you haven’t received any political mailers yet, you will soon. Between the mudslinging and the promises, voters can be forgiven for throwing their hands up in frustration. But this is an important election - especially for Republicans - and I hope that voters can find at least a little care still within themselves to vote.

Hulme supports Stephen Adler for Circuit Clerk, says opponent McRae attempts to trick voters

By The Madison County Record |
This kind of trickery and nepotism is what the old Madison County Democrat Party was known for and nepotism should not be rewarded by the voters.

Prenzler addresses Edwardsville High School's proposed "all gender" bathrooms

By The Madison County Record |
Parents of young people in Edwardsville District 7 should be aware of plans to remove two traditional “single sex” bathrooms at Edwardsville High School – to be replaced with one “all gender” bathroom – to be used by both boys and girls – with 22 toilets, but no urinals.