Union Pacific Hq
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Union Pacific Railroad employee sues over alleged workplace injuries
EDWARDSVILLE – A Union Pacific Railroad Company employee has filed a lawsuit claiming that he was injured on the job due to negligence. -
Railway employee injured when locomotive struck his vehicle during refueling
BELLEVILLE – A railway employee responsible for refueling locomotives claims he was injured when his truck was struck by a train. -
Madison County civil docket Jan. 23-27
Madison County judges Ruth, Smith, and Threlkeld have law cases scheduled on the civil docket Jan. 23-27. -
Madison County civil docket Oct. 3-7
Madison County judges Smith and Threlkeld have law cases scheduled on the civil docket Oct. 3-7. -
Union Pacific Railroad employee alleges injuries from faulty wrench
EDWARDSVILLE – A Union Pacific Railroad employee claims he was injured as a result of being issued improper equipment. -
Locomotive engineer with PhD allegedly denied 'numerous' promotion requests
EAST ST. LOUIS - A locomotive engineer with a doctoral degree claims he suffered racial discrimination while employed by Union Pacific Railroad Company after working in the same position for 26 years without advancement. -
Fifth District reverses $3.14 million verdict against Union Pacific over plaintiff's counsel 'blatant disregard' of court instruction
Union Pacific Railroad was denied a fair trial in St. Clair County Circuit Judge Heinz Rudolf's court because of plaintiff counsel's "inflammatory and improper" closing argument, the Fifth District Appellate Court ruled April 28. -
SCOTUS to hear arguments March 28 over injured engineer’s interpretation of ‘in use’ locomotive
WASHINGTON – In an injury case from Southern Illinois, U.S. Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar urged the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn decisions of district and appellate judges in favor of Union Pacific Railroad -
Bankruptcy discharged before debtors tell court about stake in injury suit
EAST ST. LOUIS – Bankruptcy trustee Russell Simon of Swansea should take the first chunk of any judgment that David Hoffman of Pontoon Beach might win from a crash suit in U.S. district court, defendant Boise Cascade argued on Jan. 4. -
Gov. Pritzker and U.S. Senators Durbin and Duckworth Break Ground on $86 Million Transportation Center in Sangamon
Gov. Pritzker and U.S. Senators Durbin and Duckworth Break Ground on $86 Million Transportation Center in Sangamon. -
Madison County civil docket Jun. 28-Jul. 2
Madison County judges Ruth, Smith, and Threlkeld have law cases scheduled on the civil docket Jun. 28-Jul. 2. -
Railroad worker alleges exposure to diesel fumes, other toxins caused cancer
EDWARDSVILLE — A railroad employee claims he was exposed to diesel fuel fumes and other toxic substances on a regular basis, causing him to develop cancer. -
Farm worker allegedly struck by train due to overgrowth at railroad crossing
BELLEVILLE — The father of a farm worker who was fatally struck by a train claims Union Pacific Railroad and the farm's owners failed to clear the obstructed line of sight that blocked the private road's railroad crossing. -
Jan. 18: U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Illinois docket for "contract" cases
The following cases categorized as "contract" were on the docket in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Illinois on Jan. 18. All case details are allegations only and should not be taken as fact: -
U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Illinois: Actions Taken on Jan. 18
The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Illinois reported the following activity on Jan. 18 in the suits below: -
The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Illinois reported the following activities in the suit brought by NICE GUY AUTOMOTIVE GROUP, LLC against WARD CHEVROLET, INC. on Jan. 18. -
U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Illinois: Actions Taken on Nov. 12
The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Illinois reported the following activity on Nov. 12 in the suits below: -
Case activity for Patricia Dohogne vs Terminal Railroad Association on Nov. 12
The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Illinois reported the following activities in the suit brought by Patricia Dohogne against Adam Mahlandt, Anthony Bruns, Brad Ragland, Jesica Kasten, Joe Bentrup, Mat Whitney, Michael Dundas and Terminal Railroad Association on Nov. 12. -
Kilbride up for retention in November; Voting record stands out with many plaintiff-friendly lone dissents
In November, voters in the Illinois Third Judicial District will vote on whether to allow state Supreme Court Justice Thomas Kilbride to retain his seat on the court, or force him to run for reelection. -
Seventh Circuit affirms dismissal of railroader’s $850K injury award: Train not in use and LIA inapplicable
CHICAGO – U.S. Seventh Circuit appellate judges affirmed District Judge Phil Gilbert of Benton in rejecting a conductor’s injury suit against Union Pacific.