Illinois Democrats say the changes are needed to better balance the districts by population, but the redistricting move comes just months after a longtime Democratic Supreme Court justice lost his bid for retention in a district now considered solidly Republican.
Governor JB Pritzker has a May 31 deadline to take action on a bill that would allow plaintiffs in lawsuits accusing hospitals, health care providers and other businesses and defendants of personal injuries or wrongful death to collect interest calculated from the time the lawsuit was filed, not just from the time judgment was entered.
SPRINGFIELD – Illinois should copy states that reformed asbestos litigation, according to a report the Illinois Civil Justice League released on April 29.
Civil justice reform groups say that if Governor J.B. Pritzker signs into law a bill that increases the amount of interest successful personal injury plaintiffs can collect, it could increase the cost of doing business and owning a home or car in Illinois.
Those who represent businesses and employers in Illinois say they hope the switch from former Speaker Madigan to Speaker Chris Welch will help create opportunities for cooperation and reform, despite Welch's lockstep support for Madigan through his legislative career.
The American Tort Reform Association (ATRA) and Illinois Civil Justice League (ICJL) are urging Governor J.B. Pritzker to veto House Bill 3360 which passed the Illinois State House at 3:08 a.m. Wednesday.
ELMHURST – Now that Gov. J. B. Pritzker has limited civil liability for health care providers fighting a global virus, the Illinois Civil Justice League is calling on legislators to give his executive order the force of law.
The Illinois Civil Justice League particularly warned voters on two judicial candidates it considers to be "stalking horse candidates" on ballot to help "chosen" Democratic Party "insiders"
A bill that would reverse a 2015 state Supreme Court decision by allowing workers with latent diseases to sue their employers will be heard in the Senate Judiciary Committee this afternoon.
SPRINGFIELD — Gov. Bruce Rauner's veto of a bill that raised the award cap from $100,000 to $2 million for tort cases against the state that are litigated in the Illinois Court of Claims has been overridden.
"Judges Behaving Badly" is a new category being used by the Illinois Civil Justice League (ICJL) to assess judges seeking retention in next week's general election.
Republican candidate for a permanent seat on the Fifth District Appellate Court, Justice David Overstreet, steers clear of addressing "trigger" issues for the trial bar - "frivolous" litigation and "caps" on damages - in questions posed by the Illinois Civil Justice League.
While the number of new asbestos cases in hotspot jurisdictions across the country is declining overall - and in all types of diseases - the docket in St. Clair County is surging almost exclusively with lung cancer cases.
We're all Irish on St. Patrick's Day. So we pretend as we turn out for parades sporting leprechaun hats and green garments adorned with shamrocks, washing down corned beef and cabbage with green beer at a church hall afterward as though this once-a-year repast were a regular part of our diet.
The Illinois Civil Justice League (ICJL) has evaluated judicial candidates running across the state in next week's primary, and for the local ones who participated in the tort reform group's survey, all received ratings of "recommended" or better.
As state and local governments across the country contemplate how to go about pursuing litigation to offset costs of opioid addiction, a debate continues in Madison County over details of hiring outside lawyers to handle a potential lawsuit.
As we confront the toll that opioid addiction has had on the public health and safety of our community, what should we expect from our elected officials in their handling of this high stakes problem?