
Stories by S. Laney Griffo on Madison - St. Clair Record


Friday, March 28, 2025

S. Laney Griffo News

Rep. Bost hears constituents' issues and concerns on economy, health care

By S. Laney Griffo |
WASHINGTON – In order to give constituents a chance to voice their views and concerns, Rep. Mike Bost (R-IL) has recently done several different types of outreach.

Workers' comp attorney praises Wisconsin governor for proposed elimination of review board

By S. Laney Griffo |
CHICAGO – An Illinois workers’ compensation attorney who calls Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker a genius is saluting the politician for his proposed elimination of an independent review board for workers’ compensation cases.

Herndon to be inducted into 'Trial Lawyer Hall of Fame'; Fellow inductee is AAJ chief Lipsen

By S. Laney Griffo |
U.S. District Judge David Herndon will be inducted into The Trial Lawyer Hall of Fame in April at the Mass Torts Made Perfect (MTMP) conference in Las Vegas, alongside American Association for Justice president Linda Lipsen.

SIU Carbondale grad joins Unsell, Schattnik & Phillips

By S. Laney Griffo |
Attorney Brad Young has joined the law firm Unsell, Schattnik & Phillips as its newest associate, having graduated in May from Southern Illinois University Carbondale School of Law.