
Stories by Annie Hunt on Madison - St. Clair Record


Monday, March 31, 2025

Annie Hunt News

Woman says improper lane change led to collision

By Annie Hunt |
EDWARDSVILLE — A Madison County woman is suing another motorist for injuries that allegedly resulted from an automobile collision.

Chris Pickett named as first CDO for Greensfelder

By Annie Hunt |
ST. LOUIS — Christoper A. Pickett has been chosen as the first chief diversity officer for St. Louis-based law firm Greensfelder, Hemker & Gale.

McCarter opposes eminent domain in wind energy project

By Annie Hunt |
SPRINGFIELD — State Sen. Kyle McCarter encouraged state and federal courts last week to reject any requests from Clean Line Energy Partners for eminent domain authority regarding the Grain Belt Express Clean Line project.

2015 statistics show heroin overdoses are on the rise in Madison County

By Annie Hunt |
Coroner Stephen P. Nonn reported that the total number of drug-related deaths in Madison County went down from to 92 in 2014 to 77 in 2015, however heroin overdoses have sharply increased.

Will Tillery take his appeal to USSC? Defense Counsel says it's certainly possible

By Annie Hunt |
SPRINGFIELD — The Illinois Supreme Court denied Stephen Tillery’s plea to recall a 2006 Court-issued mandate that struck down a $10.0 billion judgment against Phillip Morris in attempt to close the long-battled case.

Illinois Supreme Court forms new Judicial College

By Annie Hunt |
The Illinois Supreme Court announced its approval of a judicial college that plans to create a more comprehensive approach to judiciary education.