
Statements on veto override


Monday, March 31, 2025

Statements on veto override

Their View
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Gov. Bruce Rauner:

Today was another step in Illinois’ never-ending tragic trail of tax hikes. Speaker Madigan’s 32 percent permanent income tax increase will force another tax hike in the near future. His tax-and-spend plan is not balanced, does not cut enough spending or pay down enough debt, and does not help grow jobs or restore confidence in government. It proves how desperately we need real property tax relief and term limits. Now more than ever, the people of Illinois must fight for change that will help us create a brighter future.

State Rep. Charlie Meier, R-Highland (who voted 'yes' to budget bill that would increase taxes, then 'no' to override):

I listened to my constituents and voted against the permanent income tax hike. The people I spoke with want to see more reforms and cuts before any talk of increasing taxes. I voted against the tax hike since zero reforms came back from the Senate. I supported the Governor’s veto and the taxpayers’ wishes.

Tim Schneider, Illinois Republican Party Chairman:

I am deeply disappointed in the Illinois General Assembly’s vote to override the Governor’s veto of Speaker Mike Madigan’s permanent 32 percent tax hike. Passing a 32 percent tax increase on the hard-working families of Illinois without any semblance of reform is absolute insanity. It hasn’t worked before, and it won’t work now.

I am extremely troubled by the decision of 10 Republicans to again stand with Mike Madigan. Republicans in Illinois fought Madigan’s machine in 2014 to elect Gov. Rauner and won. In 2016 we beat Madigan again and made historic gains in the House and the Senate. After all we have accomplished together, it is astonishing that these legislators would now turn their backs on taxpayers across the state. I am confident voters will hold those politicians accountable for choosing Mike Madigan over the people of Illinois.

Michael Frerichs, Democrat, Illinois State Treasurer:

This is not a time to rejoice. Today only brings us a bit of relief, but it is a step in the right direction to put Illinois back on track.

The courage shown by several Republican members of the Illinois General Assembly is commendable. My hope is that the bipartisanship of these last few days will continue.

The Governor’s failure to lead will be felt in Illinois for decades to come. It is hard to determine how long it will take for our universities, social service agencies, and businesses to recover.

Today, we must acknowledge that these were self-inflicted wounds and commit that we never again will put politics above people.

A.J. Wilhelmi, President and CEO, Illinois Health and Hospital Association:

The Illinois Health and Hospital Association (IHA) and the hospital community commend the General Assembly for taking final action on the state budget. We thank legislators, on both sides of the aisle, who took very difficult votes to resolve the state’s budget impasse.

We appreciate that the General Assembly successfully worked for a comprehensive budget solution – including enhanced revenues – without damaging cuts to healthcare.

A full state budget helps support healthcare as well as critical social services provided in communities across the state.

IHA and the hospital community look forward to continue working with the General Assembly and the Governor on issues of critical concern for a viable and innovative healthcare delivery system that provides high-quality services to all Illinoisans.

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