To the Editor:
A tremendous word of thanks must go to the hundreds of Madison County citizens who helped with the "Bonds on Ballot" effort.
Several volunteers in their 80s worked diligently in rain, wind, and cold to add to their signature list. I wish all of you could have witnessed this. To me this must be one of the most magnificent and unselfish performances in Madison County history.
Finally, we must never forget our wonderful grassroots friends from Bethalto and the northwest. The effort was floundering terribly until they heard of the effort, then dropped everything to assist.
Madison County voters and taxpayers owe all of these fine folks a sincere word of thanks. If you got one petition or one signature, a heartfelt thanks to you all. Madison County will never be the same again and all of you made this so.
Rod Spears
Coordinator, Bonds on Ballot
Thanks to 'Bonds on Ballot' volunteers