
News published on Madison - St. Clair Record in July 2024


Wednesday, March 26, 2025

News from July 2024

Student lied about address, OTHS says in defense of bullying lawsuit

By Steve Korris |
EAST ST. LOUIS - O’Fallon Township High School plans to plead that it couldn’t have harmed Zariah Anthony because she lied about her address.

Attorney General Raoul Announces Multistate Settlement With Cameo for Violating Consumer Protection Laws

By The Madison County Record |
Attorney General Kwame Raoul announced a settlement with Baron App Inc. (Cameo) resolving an investigation into Cameo’s violation of consumer protection laws by not providing appropriate disclosures to consumers who purchased video business messages using the popular personalized video service.

Defendant accused of Negligence

By Madison County Record |
A recent court filing reveals Jeffery M. Dillon’s allegations against Christie Clinic LLC and physical therapist Stacy Trulock over negligence during a physical therapy session gone wrong in October 2018.

East St. Louis responds to $825K default judgment: 'No valid service'

By Steve Korris |
BENTON - East St. Louis and its police objected to a recommendation for an $825,035.97 default judgment in favor of Dorian Hendricks of Belleville on July 26, claiming they didn’t know he sued them.

Administrative Director Declares Illinois Associate Judge Appointed in the Ninth Judicial Circuit

By The Madison County Record |
Marcia M. Meis, Director of the Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts, announced today that the Ninth Judicial Circuit judges voted to select Rachel B. Mast as associate judge of the Ninth Judicial Circuit.

Unions can defend vs attempts to force IL to clean up voter rolls, judge says

By Jonathan Bilyk |
A federal judge in Chicago has given two powerful labor unions the right to fight in court against a lawsuit brought conservative activist groups seeking to force the state of Illinois more stringently comply with federal law requiring the state and local election authorities to purge voter rolls of dead and otherwise ineligible voters

Bad faith sanction order may be brewing for lawyer Sheehan in 'Arnold Palmer Lite' case

By Steve Korris |
EAST ST. LOUIS - Law clerks write orders for U.S. District Judge David Dugan but he will make an exception for a motion to impose a $155,810.45 sanction on Spencer Sheehan of Great Neck, New York.

Justice lisa holder white announces formation of screening committee to fill 11TH circuit resident judge vacancy – Woodford County

By The Madison County Record |
Justice Lisa Holder White of the Supreme Court of Illinois has announced the formation of a judicial screening committee for the Eleventh Judicial Circuit – Woodford County.

Belleville lawyer sues Amtrak in federal court for collision information

By Steve Korris |
BENTON - Belleville lawyer Nathaniel O. Brown sued Amtrak at U. S. district court on July 23 to obtain information about collisions.

Illinois Supreme Court Appoints Hon. Celia Gamrath To First District Appellate Court

By The Madison County Record |
The Illinois Supreme Court has announced the appointment of Cook County Circuit Judge Celia G. Gamrath to the First District Appellate Court.

Judge recommends $825K default judgment against East St. Louis in excessive force case

By Steve Korris |
BENTON - U.S. Magistrate Judge Reona Daly recommended default judgment of $825,035.97 on a claim that East St. Louis police used excessive force on Dorian Hendricks of Belleville.

Thompson Coburn Named to Bloomberg Law’s Fourth Annual DEI Framework

By The Madison County Record |
Thompson Coburn is one of 57 U.S.-based law firms that have been named to Bloomberg Law’s 2024 Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Framework, released July 18.

'True colors?' IL Dems say GOPers can't run in Nov because didn't face primary voters, but back Harris for Prez

By Jonathan Bilyk |
Gov. Pritzker and Speaker Welch are defending an Illinois law that would block Republican candidates from 2024 ballot because they didn't run in the primary. At the same time, they also back VP Harris for President, even though she was selected by party bosses and has never run in a presidential primary

McGlynn preparing for September trial on state gun ban; Neither side will call historians to testify

By Steve Korris |
EAST ST. LOUIS - U.S. District Judge Stephen McGlynn, preparing for a September trial on the state’s weapon ban, finds his parties have planned a hybrid event of paper and people.

Ignorance is on the ballot this November

By Tad Armstrong |
Democrats are campaigning on a legal hoax. Abortion cannot be banned or ensconced as a constitutional right by anything other than a constitutional amendment, says Edwardsville lawyer

The National Black Lawyers Names Jarard Williams Top 40Under 40 Lawyer in Illinois

By The Madison County Record |
UB Greensfelder LLP is pleased to announce that Associate Jarard P. Williams has been selected for membership in the National Black Lawyers Top 40 Under 40 in Illinois.

In moving to dismiss asbestos fraud suit, Simmons calls it retaliation for $22 million verdict

By Steve Korris |
CHICAGO - Attorney John Simmons of Alton alleges at U.S. district court that J-M Manufacturing of Los Angeles sued his firm in retaliation for winning a $22.2 million verdict.

Attorney General Raoul Joins Coalition in Support of Drug Pricing Transparency

By The Madison County Record |
Attorney General Kwame Raoul joined 21 attorneys general in filing an amicus brief supporting an Oregon law that requires pharmaceutical manufacturers to report certain information about specific new prescription drugs and historical information about pricing for existing drugs.

Rosenstengel to decide $135 million stillborn lawsuit against Alton Memorial

By Steve Korris |
EAST ST. LOUIS - Chief U.S. District Judge Nancy Rosenstengel gets to decide whether the estate of a stillborn baby can recover damages.

Attorney General Raoul Warns Residents to Be on Alert for Storm-related Repair Scams

By The Madison County Record |
Following severe storms in Illinois on Monday, Attorney General Kwame Raoul warned Illinois residents to be on alert for scammers looking to exploit homeowners and business owners who may need repairs from storm-related damage.