News from 2007
Alberto Gonzales announces resignation
Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales announced his resignation Monday, Aug. 27, ending a controversial cabinet tenure that included clashes with Congress over the firing of nine U.S. attorneys and over the use of warrantless wiretaps in the war on terror.
Three strikes..
In his quest to pocket $1.8 billion in legal fees, Belleville lawyer Stephen Tillery suffered another setback last week.
A Touch of Class -- The Passing of a Legend
True to his heritage, on behalf of Randall all who came to pay respects were given the words of the old Irish blessing, "May the road rise with you, May the wind always be at your back, May the sun shine upon your face, And the rain fall soft upon your fields, And until we meet again, May God keep you in the hollow of His hand."
Four-month-long honeymoon is 'not some sinister plan' to delay deposition, attorney says
Those who suspect that Chicago attorney Eric Freed stays out of the country to dodge a Lakin Law Firm deposition can adopt a more romantic picture of the situation.
Kyle Napp transitions from prosecutor to judge
Kyle Napp sworn in as Madison County Associate Judge "I understand that every court proceeding no matter how big or small is very important to the participants of those proceedings and will give each matter that comes before me the attention and respect it deserves."...Associate Judge Kyle Napp
Merck attorney objects to Schwaller's petition for new Vioxx trial
An attorney for Merck Pharmaceutical says that the plaintiff who lost Madison County's first Vioxx trial in March should not be granted a new one.
Lakin pleads not guilty to additional charge
Tom Lakin has waived his right to appear in court to have an additional charge in a superseding indictment read to him.
Fifth District passes Pizza Hut case back to Madison County
Byron The Fifth District Appellate Court put on hold Edwardsville attorney Amanda Verett's hope for a $311,700 award in the Pizza Hut door case.
Colleges amass financial records of big-time athletes in NCAA class action
LOS ANGELES -- California class action attorneys seek hundreds of millions in something like back pay for 48,000 college football and men's basketball players.
Man sues former business partner over use of Internet domain name
Martin Simpson claims a former friend and business partner engaged in unfair competition by nabbing an Internet domain name that bears his business's name.
Herndon denies class certification in Lakin national class action
U.S. District Judge David Herndon, Tom Lakin's former law partner, passed up an opportunity to help the Lakin Law Firm destroy a small business.
Red fluid (not catsup) in chicken sandwich triggers suit against Rally's
Tunya Ayers of Cahokia claims she continues to suffer significant emotional distress two years since eating half of a chicken sandwich contaminated with a fast food worker's blood.
ICJL tracks legislators' voting records in civil justice scorecard
Sen. Frank Watson The Illinois Civil Justice League (ICJL) Wednesday released a mid-session scorecard tracking the voting records - on civil justice issues - of all members of the Illinois General Assembly.
Belleville tavern sued by patron who trips on way to car
Antique House Bar & Grill is being sued by a patron who broke his leg after tripping on a concrete parking restrictor that had been pushed onto a sidewalk.
Property manager seeks relief in lawsuit defense
A property manager who was sued two years ago by a tenant injured during an apartment robbery is now suing an insurance company for allegedly failing to properly process his liability insurance application.
Illinois Supreme Court drives stake in Tillery tobacco case for third and final time
For the third time the Illinois Supreme Court has knocked down Stephen Tillery's $10.1 billion class action verdict against Philip Morris.
Friday, Aug. 31
1 p.m.
Wednesday, Aug. 29
9 a.m.