Former East St. Louis Democratic party chairman Charlie Powell demolishes burnt buildings and keeps the valuable remains for himself, according to a suit in St. Clair County circuit court.
Madison County Circuit Judge Barbara Crowder has ordered enforcement of a settlement agreement between Bobby's Frozen Custard and Bobby's at Buffalo Park - Maryville businesses entangled in a trademark infringement case.
A decent English teacher will exhort the importance of proper apostrophe placement. And a bad grammar defense may be of little help for a defendant in a Madison County trademark suit.
Wexstten MOUNT VERNON – Belleville city council members properly declared a farm blighted in order to build a shopping center, Fifth District appellate justices have decided.
Tom Londrigan of Springfield, awaiting a $20 million decision from Madison County Circuit Judge Daniel Stack in a class action against Illinois Bell, failed to excite Stack by suggesting he study everything the Illinois Commerce Commission did 13 years ago.