
Stories by Mark Fitton and Greg Bishop on Madison - St. Clair Record


Saturday, February 22, 2025

Mark Fitton and Greg Bishop News

Task force drafting downsizing plan; Group aims at state's glut of governments

By Mark Fitton and Greg Bishop |
SPRINGFIELD — A task force aimed at the Illinois local government glut began shaping its report to the governor and legislature Thursday as members approved nine proposals.Most of the items passed with little or no opposition, but a handful are expected to draw debate should they make into bill form and be considered by the General Assembly.

Electricity vendor tells state to pay up; Also, counseling vendor terminates contracts

By Mark Fitton and Greg Bishop |
SPRINGFIELD — Another vendor says it may have to cut off service to the state of Illinois because the state’s inability to pay its bills is threatening the vendor’s ability to continue doing business. In a disconnection-warning letter dated Oct. 29, Southwestern Electric Cooperative Inc. told the state it is behind on its accounts. “As a not-for-profit utility, Southwestern … relies on its members to pay their bill so we, in turn, can pay our bills and provide power to 22,000 homes, hospitals,