
LIVE WEB - Artificial Intelligence Advisor: Use AI To Help Manage Your Firm on February 25, 2025


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LIVE WEB - Artificial Intelligence Advisor: Use AI To Help Manage Your Firm on February 25, 2025


Event of the Day | Unsplash by Debby Hudson

ISBA’s Practice Toolbox SeriesPresented by the Illinois State Bar Association

Live Webcast

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

12:00 - 1:05 p.m.

1.0 hour MCLE credit, including 1.0 hour approved Professional Responsibility MCLE credit in the following category: Professionalism, Civility, Legal Ethics, or Sexual Harassment Prevention credit

Many groundbreaking inventions begin with someone’s desire to eliminate a rote task or annoyance. Remember texting before touchscreens? Smartphones produced their own gripes, but the iPhone and its progeny exist partly because, as former iPhone head Scott Forstall recalls, “We all hated our phones.” And smartphones have eliminated plenty of rote tasks and a surprising number of single-use devices. Will artificial intelligence do the same? With many companies announcing AI additions to their products, what should lawyers feel comfortable delegating to general-purpose AI tools like ChatGPT and Microsoft Copilot? Although not trained in legal nuances, they can eliminate some of the annoyances within the business side of a law practice. Artificial intelligence is a fantastic tool to end procrastination around firm management. Rather than staring at an empty screen with a blinking cursor, have AI produce a rough draft to get you started. It will need editing, but it’s a start. Join us for an in-depth look at how to craft good AI prompts, whether direct questions, scenario-based inquiries, or [non-legal] research assistance. Learn how to use AI offerings to help with law firm management, policy creation, and other non-legal-work-product items, where getting a draft to edit helps overcome “blank screen” writer’s block.

Program Speaker:

Jeffrey Schoenberger, Affinity Consulting, Ohio

About the Speaker: Jeff’s unique role at Affinity involves managing our Practice Management Advisory program. Prior to joining the Affinity family, Jeff practiced law with Legal Aid in Cincinnati, Ohio. He learned about Affinity and consulting as a career path through some of partners Paul Unger’s and Barron Henley’s CLE courses. Jeff’s describes his superpower as his ability to “get the podcast done.” His favorite part of his job is discovering new tech and techniques to help attorneys.

Original source can be found here.


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