
Plaintiff alleges United States Steel Corp violated disability rights under ADA


Thursday, March 27, 2025

Plaintiff alleges United States Steel Corp violated disability rights under ADA

Federal Court
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Brian Gold has filed a disability discrimination complaint against United States Steel Corporation (U.S. Steel) in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Illinois on May 23, 2024. The lawsuit alleges that U.S. Steel violated Gold's rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), ADA Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA), and the Illinois Human Rights Act (IHRA).

According to the complaint, Brian Gold, who suffers from Diabetic Neuropathy—a condition causing numbness in his hands and legs—was subjected to discriminatory practices by U.S. Steel starting in July 2023. Gold notified his employer about his condition around July 28, 2023, but claims that instead of accommodating his disability, U.S. Steel forced him to continue working in a physically demanding Slitter position beyond the usual break-in period of 2-3 weeks, extending it to over thirteen weeks.

Gold states that he informed U.S. Steel's Area Manager Laura Ahlers about his discomfort with handling heavy sharp knives required for the Slitter position due to his disability. Despite this notification, Ahlers allegedly insisted that Gold continue performing these duties and even began writing him up for tardiness unjustly.

In March 2023, during the break-in process for the Slitter position—a role involving climbing and handling heavy pieces of scrap metal—Gold was asked by Ahlers to provide a doctor's note specifying his work restrictions after he repeatedly refused to sign off on being proficient at the job due to safety concerns linked to his condition. On July 28, 2023, Gold provided a note from his doctor restricting him from lifting over 30 pounds, squatting, and climbing. However, rather than reassigning him to other positions within his capabilities or accommodating these restrictions, Ahlers sent Gold home and barred him from working in any capacity.

The following day, on July 29, 2023, U.S. Steel discharged Gold despite there being other open positions suitable for his qualifications and restrictions. The company assigned these roles to less senior employees instead.

Gold’s lawsuit asserts multiple counts against U.S. Steel including disparate treatment under both ADA and IHRA statutes, failure to accommodate under ADA and IHRA statutes as well as retaliation under both acts for engaging in protected activities by providing medical documentation of his disabilities.

Gold seeks various forms of relief from the court including compensatory damages for emotional distress and lost wages; punitive damages aimed at deterring similar future conduct by U.S. Steel; costs associated with litigation; attorneys' fees; and an injunction preventing further violations of ADA and IHRA by U.S. Steel.

Representing Brian Gold are attorneys Melvin D. Kennedy from Law Office of Melvin D. Kennedy LLC based in St Louis Missouri along with Cyrus Dashtaki from Dashtaki Law Firm LLC also located in St Louis Missouri while presiding over this case is Judge MAB under Case ID: 3:24-cv-01377-MAB.

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