
Mother alleges Alton Memorial staff ignored pregnancy complications, resulting in her baby's death


Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Mother alleges Alton Memorial staff ignored pregnancy complications, resulting in her baby's death



EDWARDSVILLE — A woman alleges Alton Memorial Hospital staff's failure to properly treat her condition during her pregnancy and labor resulted in the death of her baby. 

Shantela Stackhouse, individually and as independent administrator of the Estate of Carter Damas Moore, filed a complaint July 22 in the Madison County Circuit Court against Alton Memorial Hospital, Diane M. Lahey, R.N., Southern Illinois Healthcare Foundation Inc., Dr. Geoffrey Lowell Turner and Dr. Jamie L. Hardman, alleging medical malpractice and wrongful death. 

According to the complaint, Stackhouse sought treatment at Alton Memorial Hospital on July 23, 2019, while 39 weeks pregnant with her baby boy Carter. At the time, she was suffering from cramps and contractions. She alleges that she had a physical exam, and lab tests revealed signs of her elevated blood pressure and "2+ protein in her urine." However, she was discharged several hours later. 

Stackhouse claims that on the same day, she went to Gateway Regional Medical Center via EMS due to low blood pressure and vomiting. She claims medical staff failed to find a fetal heartbeat due to a placenta abruption. She claims an emergency cesarean section was done. CPR was initiated on her baby, but he was pronounced dead. 

Stackhouse alleges the defendants were negligent for failing to diagnose her condition and allowing her to be discharged without further testing or examination. As a result, Stackhouse alleges she suffered from continued side effects of her condition and required additional medical treatment. 

Stackhouse seeks compensation of more than $50,000 and all other just relief. She is represented by Keith Short of Keith Short and Associates PC in Alton. 

Madison County Circuit Court case number 21-L-000863

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