
Judge Harrison declines to order Wood River to take down signs promoting sales tax increase


Thursday, February 13, 2025

Judge Harrison declines to order Wood River to take down signs promoting sales tax increase


Madison County Associate Judge Clarence Harrison declined to order the City of Wood River to remove "vote Yes" signs positioned on city-owned property and inside City Hall that promote a sales tax increase referendum on the ballot in Tuesday's election.

At a hearing challenging the city on Monday morning, Harrison indicated that if opponents of the signs want a remedy they can vote the public officials responsible out of office, according to a courtroom observer. 

The controversy involves what critics say is a violation of the city's own ordinance regarding political signs on city property, as well as the city's position not to allow "vote No" signs on city property. 

Last week, a spokesperson for the Illinois State Board of Elections said that if the city paid for the signs and/or used workers to place them on city property would be considered election interference.

The proposal on the ballot would hike sales tax by 1 percent, although groceries, prescriptions, over-the-counter medications, auto sales and gasoline would be excluded.


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