
Mandatory union dues ruling expected at USSC could impact all public unions


Sunday, March 9, 2025

Mandatory union dues ruling expected at USSC could impact all public unions

To the Editor:

It is expected that the U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments sometime early in 2016 in what is a closely watched California-based lawsuit, Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association, with major implications for the state’s teachers union and potentially all public-employee unions.

The lawsuit was brought to the Supreme Court by ten California teachers and a teachers group, Christian Educators Association International. The plaintiffs want the court to overturn a four-decades-old court decision in Abood v. Detroit Board of Education. That ruling said states could require all employees represented exclusively by a public-employee union to pay “fair-share” or “agency” fees” (an equal portion of the bargaining costs related to wages, benefits, and working conditions).

The lead plaintiff, Rebecca Friedrichs, is an outspoken opponent of her California teachers’ union. She agreed to let her name become identified with the case.

Funding the lawsuit is the Center for Individual Rights, a Washington, D.C. based public interest law firm whose mission is “the defense of individual liberties against the increasingly aggressive and unchecked authority of federal and state governments."

Even employees who are not members must pay union dues (fees). If the plaintiffs prevail, dues and fees for members and non-members would no longer be mandatory. Dues that union members currently pay include an additional amount that covers the union’s donations to specific candidates and organizations. Many teachers, however, do not support those candidates or organizations.

In their brief to the court, the teachers union said the agency shop arrangement is “simply a requirement that a nonmember teacher who receives the benefit of additional compensation as a result of the unions’ efforts in collective bargaining must pay a share of the unions’ costs in negotiating those improvements, rather than receiving a free ride.”

But the challengers — 10 teachers who are not members of the unions — call it a “multi-hundred-million-dollar regime of compelled political speech.” They are represented by Michael Carvin, the lawyer who represented the Virginia challengers to President Obama’s health care law in the case decided by the Supreme Court.

Terry Pell, President of the Center for Individual Rights, which brought and is funding the lawsuit on behalf of Rebecca Friedrichs and others, said the high court’s agreement to hear the case was “long overdue.” Furthermore, he said, “This case is about the right of individuals to decide for themselves whether to join and pay dues to an organization that purports to speak on their behalf. We are seeking the end of compulsory union dues across the nation on the basis of the free speech rights guaranteed by the First Amendment."

Presently, California teachers who are not members of the Union must contribute unless they opt out. Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association argues that the process should be just the opposite, that non-members should be excluded from contributing unless they opt in.

Typically, California teacher union dues cost upwards of $1,000 per year. Although California law allows teachers to opt-out of the thirty percent or so of their dues that even the union concedes is used for overtly political activities, teachers must file for a refund each year according to a precise procedure that effectively discourages its use. As a result, many teachers contribute hundreds of dollars in dues each year to support political positions in a variety of areas having nothing to do with education and with which many teachers disagree.

In California about 29,000 teachers, or slightly less than 10 percent of the CTA’s members, pay fair share fees. If many of the remaining 90 percent of teachers stopped paying dues, the loss would jeopardize CTA’s ability to continue supporting teachers, and greatly reduce their influencing court decisions and funding special interest groups.

According to Lennie Jarrett, project manager for education transformation at Chicago's Heartland Institute, in an article dated February 5, 2014, he states that Illinois has the same problem as California. A teacher will pay $1,000, on average, in union dues each year. It is the policy of most unions to convince teachers they have no choice and must pay these dues to be allowed to work. Of this money, up to 80 percent is used for purposes other than collective bargaining, and more than 50% is used for politics.

In almost every state, teachers are automatically signed up to have a specific amount of their pay diverted to their unions’ political funds. The facts indicate when “paycheck protection” laws require unions to get permission from teachers before taking money for political purposes, teachers almost always say “no.” When teachers were given the chance to opt out of paying for the political causes engineered by education unions, they did so in droves.

Education unions have become perennial political powerhouses, nationally and locally. Consider the following:

Fortune magazine has consistently ranked the National Education Association in the top 15 of its Washington Power 25 list for influence in the nation’s capital.

The head of the Chicago Teachers Union had this warning to any mayoral candidate in the 2011 mayor's race who didn't tow the teachers' line: "I think the opportunity is to throw the weight of 30,000 members and their families and students and teachers. I mean, we're looking at maybe 800,000 people we could affect on some level.

Twenty-five parties have filed amicus briefs at the Supreme Court in support of CIR’s case in Friedrichs v. CTA. The amicus briefs represent a broad and bipartisan coalition of individuals and organizations who agree that compulsory union dues are harmful to teachers, parents and children.

In looking ahead to the Supreme Court decision, although Justice Anthony Kennedy is usually the swing vote in 5-4 cases, how conservative Justice Scalia will vote is not certain. In a related 1991 Supreme Court decision, Judge Scalia wrote: “Where the state imposes upon the union a duty to deliver services, it may permit the union to demand reimbursement.” Teachers argue their dues and fees are being used to support controversial organizations and specific political candidates whom some members find objectionable and that it is reprehensible their money has and continues to be used by the Union to support them.

As to the far reaching implications of the lawsuit, half of the states, including California, have adopted laws establishing mandatory “fair share” or “agency” fees employees pay to unions. The remaining 25 “right to work” states either prohibit collective bargaining by public workers or ban mandatory dues.

Although the case directly involves the CTA, and though not a defendant, a decision could affect all unions representing public workers, depending how narrowly or broadly the Supreme Court rules.

Nancy J. Thorner

Lake Bluff, Ill.


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