
Tavern customer blames Hi-Way for stabbing injuries


Monday, March 31, 2025

Tavern customer blames Hi-Way for stabbing injuries

A tavern patron is suing an Edwardsville bar and several bar employees, alleging negligence for injuries he says he suffered after being repeatedly stabbed by an intoxicated and over-served bar customer.

Andre Hudson filed a lawsuit Oct. 2 in Madison County Circuit Court against The Hi-Way LLC, PRN 1 LLC, Michael A. Jones, Jeffrey Cox and Dedric Humphries, alleging violation of the Dram Shop Act. 

According to the complaint, on Oct. 5, 2014, Hudson was a patron at the Hi-Way with several others, when he was stabbed by Humphries. The suit says Humphries was intoxicated and unlawfully served excessive amounts of alcohol by tavern operators in violation of Illinois law. 

The suit alleges the patron suffered personal injuries, pain and suffering, current and future medical bills and lost wages. 

Hudson seeks damages in of more than $50,000. He is represented by attorney Brian L. Polinske of Polinske & Associates PC in Edwardsville.   

Madison County Circuit Court case number 15-L-1282. 


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