
Deckhand claims injuries after breast wire snaps


Thursday, March 13, 2025

Deckhand claims injuries after breast wire snaps

A man claims he remains out on disability after a wire he was gripping while working on a boat was suddenly yanked from his grasp during a collision.

Travis Baughman filed a lawsuit Nov. 15 in St. Clair County Circuit Court against Luhr Brothers.

In his complaint, Baughman claims he was working as a deckhand on the M/V Vickie on March 9 when the boat collided with a tow, causing a wire Baughman was holding to be wrenched from his grip. In turn, Baughman severely injured his right arm, hand and shoulder.

“Said collision was so violent as to cause a breast wire to snap and violently pulled a wire which was being handled by the plaintiff,” the suit states.

Because of the collision, Baughman lost wages and his earning capacity, experienced pain and suffering, incurred medical costs, endured disability and lost his normal life, the complaint says.

He blames Luhr Brothers for causing his injuries, saying its captain negligently struck a tow with such force that it snapped a breast wire, failed to warn crew members of the impending collision, failed to use reasonable care and failed to keep a proper lookout.

In his complaint, Baughman seeks a judgment of more than $100,000, plus the payment toward any medical costs he currently has or will have in the future, court costs and other relief the court deems just.

Jerald J. Bonifield of the Law Offices of Bonifield and Rosenstengel in Belleville will be representing him.

St. Clair County Circuit Court case number: 13-L-581.


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