
EPA public comment period yields responses on atrazine: 'Save the Frogs!' among groups seeking ban


Sunday, February 23, 2025

EPA public comment period yields responses on atrazine: 'Save the Frogs!' among groups seeking ban

WASHINGTON – Few voices answered a national roll call for those who favor a ban on weed killer atrazine, but those few who did bear colorful names.

Forestland Dwellers supported a ban in a letter to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Aug. 26, and Mudjoy Farms also signed the letter.

So did Animal Legal Defense Fund, Chicago Honey Co-op, Eco-Eating, Kids & Global Warming and Save the Frogs!

EPA provided 60 days for public comments on atrazine this summer, but the agency apparently didn’t generate much interest.

The letter endorsing a ban carried names of 250 groups, but none with national stature except Center for Biological Diversity and Natural Resources Defense Council.

Several chapters of Audubon Club signed, but the national group did not.

The Tennessee chapter of Sierra Club signed, but the national group did not.

The Center for Biological Diversity separately submitted comments of about 38,000 individuals favoring a ban, or about one of every 9,000 Americans.

In May, U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) introduced a bill to ban atrazine.

He had introduced it three times previously, to no avail.

Other groups favoring an atrazine ban:

Action for Animals

Animals Are Sentient Beings Inc.

Citizens of the Karst

Food Democracy Now!

Forestland Dwellers

Green Sugar Press

Interfaith Declaration on Climate Change

Mudjoy Farm

Ocean Outfall Group

Organization for Bat Conservation

Protect All Living Species

Religious Witness for the Earth

Slow Food USA

Toxic Awareness Body of Oregon

Uranium Watch

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