
Time to take a stand against Obamacare!


Friday, January 31, 2025

Time to take a stand against Obamacare!

To the Editor:

I think all of you know we are losing our country. It is time to take a stand against Obamacare.

We sent our Republican representatives to Congress, many of them having run on repealing Obamacare. Since Obamacare can't be repealed unless we have a Republican-run Senate and a Republican president, this might be the only chance conservatives have to act, but establishment Republicans in both the House and the Senate are fighting back hard as they lack the courage to fight for what the people sent them to Washington to do. Senator Mark Kirk did sign the Lee letter in the Senate to defund (delay for a year) Obamacare, only to have his arm twisted by Minority Leader Mitch McConnell in the Senate to take his name off the letter.

As Jim DeMint, Heritage President, and Heritage Action for America CEO Michael Needham recently wrote in the Wall Street Journal about laying a case for the defunding of Obamacare:

“…(D)espite all the grand speeches, votes and chest-pounding by Republicans promising to try to stop this destructive new law, none of this has required much courage so far—nor has it been effective. Obamacare can be stopped only if Congress denies funding for it in the next spending bill, which must be passed in September. That would immediately halt the implementation of Obamacare and fulfill a defining GOP promise to the American people. Voting for a spending bill that excludes Obamacare will take courage and integrity.”

The debate will be bitter—both sides are already warring over the idea of an impasse and a government shutdown. But DeMint and Needham conclude:

“President Obama, along with all the Democrats, will accuse Republicans of trying to shut down the government by giving the president a spending bill that he must veto. But there is no ‘must’ about it. If the president opts to shut down all of government instead of just Obamacare, that will be his choice, not the wish of conservatives.”

Your voice is important if you care about the future of this country.  Even if you live in another state, take the time to call your own U.S. representative in Congress and senators.

When calling your senators ask them to sign on to the Lee letter.If in the House it is the Meadows letter for congressmen.

If Obamacare becomes a permanent fixture and amnesty is granted to millions of illegal aliens, the Republican Party will be no more, as millions of more voters will be enrolled as Democratic voters.  It's enough that establishment Republicans are trying to do away with the social issues that have long been a part of the Republican platform.  Conservative Republicans, as such, are losing the very soul of why they are Republicans in the first place, watching in dismay as the Republican Party becomes a Democratic-lite party under the false assumption that this is necessary to win the White House.

Please get busy.  The clock is ticking.  Our nation is slipping away!

Nancy Thorner

Lake Bluff,Ill.

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