
Obstetrician and midwife accused of failing to timely deliver infant


Saturday, March 15, 2025

Obstetrician and midwife accused of failing to timely deliver infant

The mother of an infant girl has filed suit against the doctors responsible for delivering her daughter, saying they ignored signs of fetal distress, causing her daughter to be born handicapped.

Abigail Roskowski claims Dr. John Hucker and mid-wife Sylvia Obernuefemann mismanaged her labor by repeatedly ignoring signs of fetal distress and by failing to deliver her daughter in a timely fashion.

Abigail Roskowski’s daughter, Lela, who was born on Sept. 26, will never be able to work, talk, walk, think or enjoy her life because of the complications associated with her delivery, according to the complaint filed April 16 in St. Clair County Circuit Court. In addition, Abigail Roskowski will likely incur tens of millions in medical costs, the suit states.

In addition to Hucker and Obernuefemann, Abigail Roskowski names Memorial Hospital of Belleville as a defendant, saying the hospital is liable for her daughter’s injuries because she was born there.

In her lawsuit, Abigail Roskowski is seeking a judgment of more than $225,000, plus costs.

Thomas Q. Keefe Jr. will be representing her.

St. Clair County Circuit Court case number: 13-L-198.


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