
Judges among top state-paid earners in Madison and St. Clair counties


Saturday, March 8, 2025

Judges among top state-paid earners in Madison and St. Clair counties



Judges in Madison and St. Clair County are among the highest paid state employees in the municipalities in which they reside, according to a Web site that tracks how taxpayer dollars are spent in Illinois.

The top two publicly paid employees residing in Alton, for instance, are Duane Bailey and David Grounds who, as associate judges, earn salaries of $167,382.

By comparison, state lawmakers Sen. William Haine and Rep. Daniel Beiser, Democrats from Alton, earn base salaries of $74,569, according to Ilreference.com.

The site also shows the total number of employees on the state payroll by city. In Alton, a total of 145 state workers earn $8,093,961 annually.

Here's what other Madison County city figures look like:

In Collinsville, Fifth District Appellate Court Justice Thomas Welch is the top earner with a salary of $192,007. He is followed by Circuit Judge Dennis Ruth at $176,191; and Associate Judges Clarence Harrison and Elizabeth Levy at $167,382.

Total state employees residing in Collinsville: 119. Total state salary paid to Collinsville residents: $5,685,181.

In Edwardsville, Department of Human Services physicians Jagannath Patil and Sanghee Kim-Ansbro are the top two earners. Patil earns $216,660 and Kim-Ansbro earns $211,249.

Judges occupy the next six spots – Appellate Justice Melissa Chapman at $192,007, followed by Circuit Judges Barbara Crowder and Andreas Matoesian at $176,191, then Associate Judges Keith Jensen, James Hackett, Janet Heflin and Nelson Metz (who recently retired) at $167,382.

Total state employees residing in Edwardsville: 145. Total state salary paid to Edwardsville residents: $9,874,446.

In Troy, Circuit Judges Ann Callis and Richard Tognarelli top the list with salaries of $176,191.

Total state employees residing in Troy: 45. Total state salary paid to Troy residents: $2,599,656.

In the city of Belleville, a whopping $13,894,589 is paid to 249 employees annually.

Judges occupy the first 13 positions on the list, topped by Appellate Justices Richard Goldenhersh and James Donovan who earn $192,007 annually.

The site also breaks out the most common positions by city.

In Belleville, highway maintainers are the most common type of state job at 31. There are 26 human services caseworkers; seven circuit judges; seven contractual workers; six associate judges; six engineering technicians; six public service administrators; six "stipend" workers; five civil engineers; five engineering technicians; four conservation/historic preservation workers; four human services casework managers; four senior public service administrators; three rehabilitation counselor trainees; three technical trainees; three child support specialists; three site technicians; three executives; two employment security program representatives; two highway maintenance lead workers; two registered nurses; two revenue auditors; two tax auditors; two public service representatives and two office coordinators.

No judges reside in O'Fallon. The top state wage earner in O'Fallon is Department of Human Services physician Hetal Amin at $186,539.

In the number two position is Democrat candidate for the 12th Congressional District, Brad Harriman, who until last year served as county superintendent of schools. His salary was $100,762. In the third spot is court reporter (supervisor) Maureen Schaefer who earns $100,291 annually.

Total state employees residing in O'Fallon: 26. Total state salary paid to O'Fallon residents: $1,567,457.


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