Michael Maddalino v. Patty’s Pub
J-Kardis; PA-Billie Johnson
Maddalino claims he was sprayed with mace in his left eye for 30 seconds and a small amount in his right eye which blinded him for three days by a bartender at Patty’s Pub. Maddalino is seeking at least $50,000 in damages.
05 L 581
Johnie Johnson v. Milton Bumbacher
J-Moran; PA-Patrick Johnson
Johnson claims he was permanently injured on June 28, 2003, when Bumbacher allegedly collided with him on the River Road in Godfrey. Johnson is seeking at least $50,000 in damages.
05 L 582
Janet Young and Johnny Jones v. Diana Eiskant and Kenneth Eiskant
J-Byron; PA-Alexander Wilson
Young and Jones claim that the Eiskants printed and published a libelous document that accused them of endangering and abusing along with allegations they committed fraud. Young and Jones are seeking at least $50,000 in damages claiming they lost their jobs and have suffered a damage of reputation.
05 L 583