
Election reflection


Friday, March 14, 2025

Election reflection

To the Editor:

The last general election is history - the next only two years away. I would like to make a few observations. First, a quote that strikes me as applicable.

“What the liberal really wants is to bring about change which will not in any way endanger his position," Stokely Carmichael--the civil rights leader who coined the phrase--"Black Power," once said.

It amuses me that the media has forgotten so much. Recent changes in direction of the Madison County Board were in direct response to drives made by Republican board members and candidates: The 2003 budget balanced for the first time in 20 liberal Democrat-led years, because Democratic board members felt they could not survive a large unpopular tax increase and Republican opposition as well.

The Board now meets in the evening. There are five Republicans chairing board committees and 10 Republican-held board seats. The fiscally liberal Democratic board must now listen to the voters in order to pass the budget.

The most important change was the at-large election of the County Board Chairman. Whether some liberal Democrats fueled the fire when they quashed the petition drive led by board chairman candidate Gene Frizzo and other Republicans, may remain unanswered.

The point is that, thanks to the Republicans, the voters have elected their County Board Chairman!

The fiscally liberal Democratic officials in this county claim they are cutting the budget and lowering taxes. Wrong!

As usual, all they are doing is reducing the proposed increases in the budget and, by miniscule amounts, reducing the tax rate - more smoke and mirrors!

Your property taxes are still going up because liberal Democrats continue to raise assessed valuations on your property (which raises your taxes). The Democrats just want status quo in Madison County.

Does Carmichael's proposition apply here?

Danny Osborn


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