
New Filings, Madison County Circuit Court Law Division October 1-7


Sunday, February 23, 2025

New Filings, Madison County Circuit Court Law Division October 1-7

Lula Ishum v. Ashley Bush
J-Matoesian; PA-Thomas R Peters

  • On Aug. 18, 2003 Bush allegedly crashed her vehicle into the rear of the Ishum’s vehicle at the intersection of St. Clair Avenue and Wayne in Madison County.
    04 L 1077

    Suzanne R. Nevins v. Donald D. Beaty, Delmar F. Hagen
    J-Kardis; PA-Marc P Parker
  • Negligence. The case file was not available at press time. Please see next week’s MCR for the case details.
    04 L 1078

    Ruth Holman v. Country Companies
    J-Byron; PA-Roger K. Rea
  • Holman claims she has a valid insurance contract with Country Companies for her home and attachments including her garage at 4037 Rd. in Granite City, and that Country Companies failed to pay a legitimate claim. She claims she lost a two-car garage, a 1984 Volkswagen, four box fans, an arc welder, and many other items in a fire in March 1999.
    04 L 1079

    Theresa Drazen mother and friend of Diana Drazen v. Suzanne Anderson, Matthew Anderson
    J-Moran; PA-James M. Drazen
  • While Diana was an alleged guest in the 1992 Ford driven by Matt Anderson, she allegedly received injuries when he collided with a tractor trailer on Troy Scott Road near Hageman on Oct. 5, 2002. The car is owned by Suzanne Anderson.
    04 L 1085

    Patricia Bilbrey v. Merck & Company
    J-Matoesian; PA-Bilbrey & Hylla
  • Class action complaint alleging Merck failed to disclose the material fact the Vioxx increased the risk of a serious and potentially fatal health risk.
    04 L 1088

    Diana Caruso v. Merck & Company
    J-Kardis; PA-Mathew H. Armstrong
  • Caruso who took Vioxx for a painful back alleges Merck failed to exercise reasonable care in the design, formulation, manufacture, of the drug Vioxx, including the duty to assure that the product does not cause users to suffer from unreasonable and dangerous side effects. This was the 60th class action complaint filed in Madison County this year.
    04 L 1089

    Bruce Price v. Carl Shewmake
    J-Byron; PA-Joseph Taylor
  • Price alleges that Shewmake crashed his car into his on New Poag Road in Madison County on Dec. 16, 2003.
    04 L 1090

    Myrna Amisch v. Merck & Company, Edwards Medical Supply
    J-Moran; PA-Elizabeth V. Heller
  • Amisch claims Merck and Edwards concealed, suppressed, and withheld medical information from consumers during the marketing and distribution of Vioxx which contains rofecoxib. This is the 61st class action suit filed in Madison County in 2004.
    04 L 1101

    Shawn Buckman v. Bertles Development Group
    J-Matoesian; PA-Micha J. Weilmuenster
  • Buckman was working on a house for ACI Construction at 21 Wolfe Creek Court in Glen Carbon when he fell from the roof. Bertles is allegedly responsible for the property at the address at the time of the accident.
    04 L 1102

    Michael A. Womack v Bowl Haven
    J-Kardis; PA-Richard Reed
  • Womack alleges he fell on an overly waxed floor at Bowl Haven in Alton, on March 9, 2003.
    04 L 1103

    Gateway Regional Medical Center v .Henry L Young
    J-Byron; PA-Ronald C. Miller
  • Gateway of St Louis alleges Young who lives in Venice owes them $61,305.15 for services he agreed to pay when services were rendered. They also ask for $20,434.84 in legal fees.
    04 L 1104

    Ken Lehner, Richard Healy v. Ardie and Tiny’s, Billy Lee Foster, Ardith Decker
    J-Moran; PA-Steven C. Giacoletto
  • Dram Shop: On Dec. 4, 2003, while the passenger in a 1999 Dodge Dakota driven by Kevin Elkins, the driver allegedly collided with a 1998 Oldsmobile Aurora at the entrance of Fairmount Race Track in Collinsville. Lehner alleges that Elkins consumed alcoholic beverages at Ardie and Tiny’s before the accident, thus impairing his ability to drive.
    04 L 1115


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