
Circuit Judge George Moran, Jr.


Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Circuit Judge George Moran, Jr.

HOMETOWN: Granite City

AGE: 55

FAMILY:Wife, Jana

  • His father, George Moran, is a retired judge with the 5th District Appellate Court at Mt. Vernon

  • Close family friend of Madison County Clerk Mark Von Nida.

  • Generated national controversy in March 1992 when he ordered four top officers of Toledo, Ohio-base Owens-Corning Fiberglass Corp. to testify in an asbestos suit against the company. The officers refused, arguing that travel to Madison County would interfere with their company's operations. Moran held them in contempt of court and ruled that the company had forfeited its right to a defense, rendering a default judgment. The verdict forced Owens-Corning to pay four former workers $10 million, including $7.5 million in punitive damages.

  • In December 1992, Moran was placed on 'restricted duty' while Madison County prosecutors investigated charges by an eleven year-old girl that Moran molested her over a four-year period. A petition seeking state supervision of the girl was dropped in 1993 and criminal charges were never filed.


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