

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

News from August 2011

Truck driver claims intoxicated driver rear-ended him on I 55/70

By Kelly Holleran |
A truck driver claims he sustained injuries after an intoxicated driver rear-ended his vehicle.

Edwardsville Health Care Center sued over man's hematoma

By Kelly Holleran |
The two administrators of a deceased man's estate blame employees at an Edwardsville nursing home for causing the man's death, saying they failed to provide adequate care for the man, who died of a subdural hematoma.

Eight New Yorkers file Levaquin suits in St. Clair County

By Kelly Holleran |
Baumann An additional eight New York plaintiffs have added complaints to the growing list of lawsuits in St. Clair County against Johnson and Johnson, Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical and Johnson and Johnson Pharmaceutical Research and Development over an antibiotic that they say caused them severe tendon problems.

Fired Union Pacific worker claims race was issue

By Kelly Holleran |
A black man claims he lost his job because of his race.

Settling lawsuits has made Chicago a big target for lawsuits and it is time for city officials to fight back

By Travis Akin |
Akin Everyone has a daily routine. For some it is reaching for an early morning cup of coffee. For others, it might be going for a daily jog. Whatever the routine is everyone has something they do to get their day started.

St. Clair County Courthouse overflowing with out-of-towner law suits

By The Madison County Record |
Yogi Berra grew up on "the Hill" in St. Louis, across the street from Joe Garagiola. Before they became two of the most successful catchers in baseball history, Yogi and Joe worked as waiters together at one of the more popular restaurants in their Italian neighborhood.

Federal prisoner claims he is suffering daily in lawsuit

By Kelly Holleran |
A prisoner has filed suit against the U.S. Bureau of Prisons and 12 of its employees, alleging he has been denied proper medical treatment for his foot tendon problems.

Herndon orders Yasmin case to be reinstated

By Kelly Holleran |
Herndon A U.S. District Court judge has ordered that a suit filed against Bayer by the mother of a deceased woman be reinstated. The mother claims her daughter died after taking the birth control pill, Yasmin.

Madison County Asbestos Motion Docket ; 8/23/2011

By Carrie Gonzalez |
Tuesday, August 23

Magistrate rejects plea to unseal Syngenta documents; Environmental groups sought access in atrazine class action

By Steve Korris |
Learner BENTON – U.S. Magistrate Judge Phil Frazier decided not to tear up an order that protects the privacy of Syngenta Crop Protection in litigation with Stephen Tillery.

Judge allows indicted planning commissioner to travel for care at Cleveland Clinic

By Steve Korris |
ST. LOUIS – U.S. District Judge Catherine Perry postponed a criminal trial of former St. Louis County planning commission chairman Douglas Morgan and she let him leave town, because his life depended on it.

WSJ takes note of dormant MidAmerica Airport

By Steve Korris |
Hubbard NEW YORK CITY – St. Clair County's empty airport attracted national attention on Aug. 8, as the Wall Street Journal described its desolation at the top of page 9A.

Syngenta urges judge not to rule on atrazine's safety; Only regulators can make the determination, brief says

By Steve Korris |
Reeg BENTON – Syngenta Crop Protection urges U.S. District Judge Phil Gilbert to resist Stephen Tillery's plea to declare weed killer atrazine harmful in any concentration.

Environmental group pushes to unseal Syngenta documents

By Steve Korris |
Learner BENTON – Any document class action lawyer Stephen Tillery chooses to file belongs to the public even if he filed it for no public purpose, according to private groups seeking access to records Tillery obtained from Syngenta Crop Protection.

East St. Louis Board of Elections director responds to criticism

By Ann Knef |
Lewis East St. Louis Board of Elections Executive Director James Lewis played down criticism of election processes in his city saying voter tabulation is done "expeditiously based on information we receive from precincts."

Second suit filed over Bethalto pizza delivery accident

By Kelly Holleran |
Walton A woman claims she sustained severe head, face, knees, feet, back, arm and leg injuries after a pizza delivery driver collided head-on with the vehicle in which she rode.

Matoesian denies Imo's motion to dismiss in Bethalto pizza delivery case

By Ann Knef |
Armbruster Madison County Circuit Judge Andy Matoesian has denied Imo's Franchising's motion to dismiss a personal injury suit stemming from a Bethalto pizza delivery in August 2009.

Hylla denies pro-se plaintiff's motion involving deputy sheriff

By Ann Knef |
Hertz Madison County Associate Judge Clarence Harrison II has denied a pro-se plaintiff's motion to reconsider a ruling involving a non-party to a suit against Madison County Sheriff Robert Hertz, the department and a local psychiatrist.

Defendants dismissed in gift card class action

By Ann Knef |
Goldenberg Two defendants in a Madison County class action involving the value of Visa gift cards have been dismissed from the matter.

Edwardsville school district sues contractor over construction nonconformities

By Kelly Holleran |
Sivia An Edwardsville school district alleges one of its hired contractors refused to fix mistakes in its work, leaving two of its elementary schools sitting dormant.