
News published on Madison - St. Clair Record in June 2008


Saturday, March 8, 2025

News from June 2008

Prisoner wants compensation for having to sleep near toilet

By Steve Gonzalez |
A man serving a 49-year prison sentence for predatory criminal sexual assault and possession of child pornography filed a federal lawsuit against Clark County Sheriff Jerry Parsley and Jail Administrator John Hammond alleging his civil rights were violated.

DRS Bonded Services sued for unfair debt collection practices

By Steve Gonzalez |
Danielle Phillips filed a federal lawsuit against DRS Bonded Collection Services in United States District Court June 11, alleging DRS violated the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) by making numerous false statements while trying to collect an old debt.

Be Not Afraid

By John J. Hopkins |
Hopkins It is not easy to overcome fear. It is not easy to say that which needs to be said in the Public Square. The fear of rejection, the fear of retaliation has certain paralyzing effects. But if that ever illusive goal of becoming a "Light to the World" is to be realized, then fear must be subdued.

Grassroots effort help stops 'Lawyers Get Work Act'

By Travis Akin |
Akin Living in Illinois, it is hard to fathom how anyone could seriously think there are not enough lawsuits filed in our state.

Breach suit filed by Lewis & Clark CC over Blue Bird motor coach

By Steve Gonzalez |
Lewis & Clark Community College filed a breach of contract complaint against Blue Bird Corporation in Madison County Circuit Court June 24, alleging it delivered a completely different motor coach than what was contracted for.

'Black out' signifies new era of class action privatization

By Steve Korris |
In a transcript of a hearing in a multi million dollar civil suit, in a courthouse taxpayers built, black bars cover so many words and numbers it hardly makes sense.

Former Morgan Stanley branch manager sues for breach of contract

By Steve Gonzalez |
A former branch manager and financial adviser with Morgan Stanley filed a three-count suit against his former employer in Madison County Circuit Court June 23, alleging breach of contract, defamation and tortuous interference with a business expectancy.

Premcor, Apex Oil on the hook for Hartford clean-up

By Steve Korris |
Stack In a simple solution to the puzzle of distributing blame among many oil companies for pollution in the village of Hartford, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency proposes to force two of them to clean up messes they didn't make.

Tillery's tacked on claim commences new mortgage litigation in federal court

By Steve Korris |
Tillery Stephen Tillery of St. Louis beat a deadline to file in Madison County a class action that a new law would have steered to federal court, but the suit winds up in federal court after all.

Stack close to ruling in Holiday Shores atrazine class actions

By Steve Gonzalez and Ann Knef |
After 30 months under advisement in Madison County Circuit Judge Daniel Stack's court, six class action lawsuits against major chemical manufacturers will finally get a ruling.

SimmonsCooper's pro bono work recognized by ISBA

By The Madison County Record |
SimmonsCooper of East Alton will receive the 2008 John C. McAndrews Pro Bono Service Award from the Illinois State Bar Association (ISBA) on Friday at the organization's 132nd Annual Meeting in St. Louis.

BNSF machinist, truck driver claims repetitive trauma

By Steve Gonzalez |
An employee of BNSF Railway filed a filed a Federal Employers' Liability Act (FELA) suit in Madison County Circuit Court June 23, alleging he developed repetitive trauma injuries during his 32 year career with the railroad as a machine operator and truck driver.

Anhydrous ammonia trespasses into neighbor's home, suit says

By Steve Gonzalez |
A dispute between neighbors made its way to the Madison County Courthouse on June 20, when Mark Kistner of 809 Glen Crossing Road in Glen Carbon filed suit against John Stille of 814 Glen Crossing Road alleging Stille negligently allowed anhydrous ammonia to enter his home on April 22, 2007.

Mac & Mick's claims customer provoked attack

By Steve Gonzalez |
A Pontoon Beach sports bar argues that a former patron is responsible for provoking an incident at question in a dram shop law suit.

Second suit against Followell filed by collapse victim's wife

By Ann Knef |
Kathy Eickelman is suing Followell Construction Co. over the death of her husband who was crushed in a ditch while trying to save a co-worker from the same fate on March 10.

Madison County wants out of med mal complaint

By Steve Gonzalez |
Madison County wants to be dismissed from a medical malpractice complaint filed by Sharon Warlick of Alton who alleges she was treated with an unnecessary drug which led to the need for a liver transplant.

Four firms to share $250k fee in six-year-old class action

By Steve Korris |
Judge Byron In a faint echo of Madison County's class action craze, the Lakin Law Firm and three other firms settled a suit against Accredited Home Lenders for $10 payments to borrowers and a $250,000 legal fee.

Ameren sued for man's electrocution after storm downs line

By Ann Knef |
Bernice Edwards is suing Ameren Corp. over the electrocution death of her nephew Chester D. Chatman who was killed July 20, 2006, after coming into contact with a live, downed power line at the Orr-Weathers Apartments in East St. Louis.

Virgil Calvert Nursing and Rehab Center named in suit

By Ann Knef |
Virgil Calvert Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in East St. Louis is being sued for injuries sustained two years ago by resident Genola Wagner.

Lakin negotiates $7.8 million fee in Arizona federal court

By Steve Korris |
Judge Crowder PHOENIX – Lakin Law Firm class action attorneys negotiated a better settlement with Allied Insurance in federal court in Arizona than they figured they would get in the court of Madison County Circuit Judge Barbara Crowder.