MOUNT VERNON – Appellate judges Thomas Welch and Milton Wharton found a child’s guardian restricted a father in a custody dispute without authority but they immunized her from civil liability.
MOUNT VERNON – Appellate judges found St. Clair County Circuit Judge Heinz Rudolf committed five errors when he dismissed a claim of unfair competition in the carpet cleaning business.
MOUNT VERNON – St. Clair County Circuit Judge Heinz Rudolf didn’t state his reason for denying transfer of an injury suit to Washington County, so Fifth District appellate judges decided he must have had a reason.
MOUNT VERNON – Justice Judy Cates, whose noisy Supreme Court campaign ended in defeat by 26 points two years ago, quietly seeks retention as Fifth District Appellate Court judge.
MOUNT VERNON – St. Clair County Circuit Judge Zina Cruse improperly excluded evidence that murder suspect Dominic Combs committed a similar crime in similar circumstances, Fifth District appellate judges ruled on Aug. 12.
MOUNT VERNON – Fifth District appellate court candidate Michael McHaney imposed an excessive sentence as circuit judge after calling drug addicts selfish, Fifth District judges found on May 20.
XENIA – Two renegade Republicans and a former Democrat who denied the state’s authority to lock citizens down overpowered primary opponents and seized leadership of the Republican Party.
MOUNT VERNON – In ten years when Fifth District appellate court candidates Michael McHaney and Barry Vaughan presided as circuit judges, the appellate court reversed McHaney 12 times and Vaughan three times in civil court litigation.
MOUNT VERNON – While Fifth District Appellate Court candidates Michael McHaney and Barry Vaughan presided as circuit judges from 2011 to 2018, McHaney was reversed in eight criminal cases and Vaughan four.
MOUNT VERNON - St. Clair County Circuit Judge Christopher Kolker improperly branded Johnson & Johnson vice president Susan Nicholson as a criminal and fined her $500 without due process, according to Fifth District appellate judges.
MOUNT VERNON – In ten years when Fifth District appellate court candidates Michael McHaney and Barry Vaughan presided as circuit judges, the appellate court reversed McHaney 25 times and Vaughan nine times.
Union Pacific Railroad was denied a fair trial in St. Clair County Circuit Judge Heinz Rudolf's court because of plaintiff counsel's "inflammatory and improper" closing argument, the Fifth District Appellate Court ruled April 28.
Fifth District Appellate Court Justice Barry Vaughan submitted more than 2,500 signature petitions with the Illinois State Board of Elections this morning to maintain his role serving central and southern Illinois residents on the court.
MOUNT VERNON – St. Clair County Associate Judge Julie Katz improperly awarded lifetime benefits to Ameren Illinois journeyman Ricky Duncan of Waterloo, workers’ compensation judges ruled on Dec. 6.
Fifth District Appellate Court Justice Barry Vaughan formally announced his candidacy to retain his seat on the Court, vowing to "keep liberal Chicago politics out of our courtrooms."
A St. Louis law firm and two attorneys are petitioning the Illinois Supreme Court to review the Fifth District Appellate Court’s ruling that punitive damages are recoverable in legal malpractice cases.