
Stories by R. David Donoghue on Madison - St. Clair Record


Wednesday, February 5, 2025

R. David Donoghue News

IP for Your Business: Handling Patent Assertions

By R. David Donoghue |
The patent assertion letter has become a part of doing business. If you make something, sell something or offer a service, you eventually will be accused of patent infringement.

IP For Your Business: Think Twice Before Shutting Down Social Media

By R. David Donoghue |
Social media is a terrifying unknown for many businesses. There are countless opportunities to lose control of your corporate message. And as I have discussed before, there are new and varied ways to have your trademarks and brands stolen or diluted.

IP for your business: Copyright infringements the unseen danger

By R. David Donoghue |
You likely spend significant resources making sure you do not infringe your competitors' patents, trademarks and copyrights. No legitimate business would intentionally copy its competitor's manuals, or confidential business plans.

Protecting brand on Twitter and stopping Twitter squatters

By R. David Donoghue |
More and more frequently, longtime clients call me with desperation and frustration in their voices. In each case, we have a conversation that goes very much like this: