
Stories by Orphe Divougny, Illinois Policy Institute on Madison - St. Clair Record


Friday, March 28, 2025

Orphe Divougny, Illinois Policy Institute News

Cooling down an overheated U.S. economy doesn't have to be painful

By Orphe Divougny, Illinois Policy Institute |
As jobs growth and wage growth show signs of slowing, tax and regulatory changes could help prevent economic pain.

High cost of government shrinks Illinois' workforce

By Orphe Divougny, Illinois Policy Institute |
Population decline has shrunk Illinois’ workforce and the relative size of the state economy. Attracting more workers from other states starts with lowering the cost of living, decreasing pension costs and debt, and improving the state’s social services.

The state of the state: Illinois leaders partly responsible for a sluggish recovery

By Orphe Divougny, Illinois Policy Institute |
Illinois’ economy was shaken by the COVID-19 pandemic, but 2021 was supposed to be a year of recovery.

Illinois' racial employment gap is double U.S. average

By Orphe Divougny, Illinois Policy Institute |
Gov. J.B. Pritzker announced his reelection bid on July 19 with the key pillar of his campaign being his record on “protecting the lives and livelihoods of the people of Illinois.” Look at the “livelihoods” in Illinois, and that quickly looks like a poor campaign decision.

Illinois lawmakers got $15.1M before seeking constitutional power for union bosses

By Orphe Divougny, Illinois Policy Institute |
Illinois state lawmakers want voters to hand over Illinois’ economy to unions. Before voting for the measure, they received $15.1 million in campaign cash from those unions.

Illinois' housing recovery still trails rest of nation

By Orphe Divougny, Illinois Policy Institute |
High property tax bills suppress Illinois housing demand, slowing average growth in home values when compared to the rest of the nation.