
Stories by Jeff Gelber on Madison - St. Clair Record


Monday, March 31, 2025

Jeff Gelber News

Madison, St. Clair, Cook counties drag Illinois down in legal poll

By Jeff Gelber |
Thomas J. Donohue, U.S. Chamber president and CEO The U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform (ILR) today released its Harris Interactive 2005 State Liability Systems Ranking Study, which shows Illinois ranked 46 in legal fairness, having dropped twelve places in the last three years.

Madison County drives Rule 225 debate

By Jeff Gelber |
Testifiying before the State Supreme Court's Rules Committee, Illinois State Bar Association President Oly Bly Pace, III conceded that Madison County's Circuit Court was the "gorilla" in the room.

Tobacco Appeal on tap

By Jeff Gelber |
Joseph Power Tillery, Power to tussle this week with Thompson and Philip Morris before Illinois Supreme Court

Tillery, SimmonsCooper sue Illinois insurance broker

By Jeff Gelber |
Tillery That didn't take long.

Bono, SimmonsCooper ante up $500K more for Maag

By Jeff Gelber |
Gordon E. Maag SPRINGFIELD-- Madison County trial lawyers have injected half a million dollars into a brand new political action committee expected to fund a last week advertising blitz for Democrat Supreme Court hopeful Gordon Maag.

Big money raining down on SC race

By Jeff Gelber |
Predictions of heavy money showering on the Illinois Supreme Court race between Washington County Circuit Judge Lloyd Karmeier and 5th District Appellate Court Judge Gordon Maag are holding true.

Stack transfers asbestos case, says "cash cow" docket is not a "business"

By Jeff Gelber |
Judge Daniel J. Stack took over Madison County's giant asbestos docket on September 8, 2004. In his first forum ruling as chief of the nation's largest asbestos case docket, Judge Daniel J. Stack argued the "astronomical burden" of looming trials demanded he dismiss cases that were not connected directly to Madison County.

Appellate Court News: Another Peach gets her day in court

By Jeff Gelber |
MT. VERNON-The Fifth Appellate Court has affirmed the Madison County Circuit Court's denial of the motion to compel arbitration by CIM Insurance, defendant in a lawsuit alleging it charged too much for extended auto warranties.

Appellate Court News: Union Pacific suit back in court

By Jeff Gelber |
Illinois' 5th Appellate Court has reversed a St. Clair County Circuit Court decision to throw out a railroad worker's lawsuit charging his employer was responsible for his back injuries.

A Lakin loss? Matoesian throws out suits against DaimlerChrysler

By Jeff Gelber |
Maureen McGlynn of McGlynn & Luther represented DaimlerChrysler EDWARDSVILLE-Judge Andy Matoesian ruled against the Lakin Law Firm last week, throwing out two lawsuits that alleged DaimlerChrysler was responsible for injuries to truck drivers delivering their new cars to dealers.

Watchdog group launches Southern Illinois billboard campaign

By Jeff Gelber |
MARYVILLE- They call it 'voter education.' For Illinois Lawsuit Abuse Watch (I-LAW), a Metro East-based organization that fights 'lawsuit abuse' here and elsewhere, October is high political season as well.

Watson: Governor's med mal mediator should visit Southern Illinois

By Jeff Gelber |
Sen. Frank Watson GREENVILLE--Senate Republican Leader Frank Watson (R-Greenville) wants the Governor’s special mediator on Medical Malpractice Reform to come to Southern Illinois for a citizen forum.

This week in History- Sept. 27 through Oct. 3

By Jeff Gelber |
Oct 2, 2003-- The St. Louis Post Dispatch editorialized strongly to "derail (the) gravy train" in Madison County by moving all class action cases to federal court. "Lawyers are tooling in from all over to file class-action cases at one of the most plaintiff-friendly courts in the country. It's got to stop," the paper wrote.