

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Dan Proft News

New Illinois jobs numbers point to needed reform: Totalitarianism

By Dan Proft |
Illinois should go to a military strongman form of government.

Firing back at King Richard (in self-defense)

By Dan Proft |
Chicago Mayor Richard Daley has chosen to make the gun issue personal. Okay, I'll bite.

Madigan's memo signals gathering storm

By Dan Proft |
There is a reason Mike Madigan has been Illinois House Speaker for 24 of the past 26 years (the exception being the hiccup of the Gingrich Revolution year of 1994 which Madigan quickly rectified in 1996).

Will Obama get 'Swift-boated'?

By Dan Proft |
Dan Proft While Archimedes-in-a-pantsuit tries to rewrite the laws of mathematics, the rest of the nation has properly begun to weigh the Presidential contest between Sens. McCain and Obama.

How Charlton Heston saved academic freedom at Northwestern University

By Dan Proft |
His autobiography was entitled, "In the Arena" and that is most certainly where Charlton Heston lived his life.

Earth Day. Live Earth. And, now, Earth Hour

By Dan Proft |
Dan Proft The latest bright idea from the country that gave us "Crocodile Dundee" is to have everyone across the globe turn off their lights for an hour at 8 p.m. Saturday.

The deal Republicans should make on school funding in Illinois

By Dan Proft |
Proft A Democrat Governor proposes tax cuts, however fleeting, and Republican legislative leaders respond by asking, "How's he going to pay for them?"

Obama, Hope and the NIU shootings

By Dan Proft |
In recent years, Americans have been forced to deal with a rash of senseless, inexplicable school shootings such as that which occurred at Northern Illinois University leaving five innocents dead.

Making the case for McCain

By Dan Proft |
Proft Republicans ought to be thankful that two-thirds of the American electorate is consumed with finding out how many Democrat delegates (and super-delegates) can dance on the head of a pin.

Heisman Trophy winner Tim Tebow's example

By Dan Proft |
God. Family. Academics. Football.

Reality of Obama taking hold

By Dan Proft |
Fred Thompson is not the only presidential candidate suffering under the weight of unrealistic expectations. It appears that exuberant Democrat primary voters are finding out that Barack Obama's appeal begins and ends with his personal story.

Illinois Republicans on the rise?

By Dan Proft |
If the Democrats introduced a bill to burn down the U.S. Capitol, the Republicans would compromise and agree to phase it in over three years.

Fooled by Patraeus the traitor

By Dan Proft |
I'll admit it, he had me fooled.

Mob Rule: Family secrets and Springfield budgets

By Dan Proft |
There are two community theater-quality dramas approaching their respective denouements.

Justice served with Libby commutation

By Dan Proft |
President George W. Bush possesses a quality scarce in the world of politics. That quality is unyielding loyalty to his friends and to his convictions.

We get the representation we deserve

By Dan Proft |
I am a firm believer that we, the voters, get the political representation we deserve.

Snow, Edwards and faith in the face of cancer

By Dan Proft |
Last week, Newsweek magazine came out with a poll showing 91% of Americans believe in God. Newsweek surveys this question every year secretly hoping, I think, that the percentage of faith-based Americans will decline-but it doesn't.

Durbin Unmasked: The nation's most liberal senator

By Dan Proft |
U.S. Senator Dick Durbin was awarded a distinction that should not go unnoticed by Illinois voters.

Lincoln Day Dinner revolt

By Dan Proft |
Dan Proft Rank-and-file Republicans of Illinois, put down your salad forks and take up the pitchforks!