
Bicyclist alleges injuries in collision with cab


Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Bicyclist alleges injuries in collision with cab

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EDWARDSVILLE — A bicyclist claims he was injured when he was hit by a cab driver.

Jeremy Errandi claims he was riding his bicycle on Oct. 21, 2021, on the westbound shoulder of East Edwardsville Rd. when Angela Pruitt, an employee of Area's Best Cabs, allegedly struck Errandi, according to a complaint filed in Madison County Circuit Court.

Errandi claims following the accident, the Wood River Police cited the defendant for making an improper turn. He claims he suffered injuries that required him to seek medical treatment as a result of the accident.

The plaintiff alleges Pruitt failed to keep a proper lookout and was either distracted or inattentive while operating the vehicle owned by Area's Best Cabs, according to the suit.

Errandi claims he was forced to undergo extensive therapeutic and medical care, treatment, and even had to undergo hospital care because of his injuries.

"As a direct and proximate result of the...injuries, Plaintiff has become indebted for medical expenses relating to the...medical care and treatment and will be required to become indebted for additional expenses for further medical care and treatment in the future, the cost of which is unknown," the complaint states.

Errandi is also at an increased risk of future injuries and surgeries because of the accident and his injuries, according to the suit.

Errandi is seeking damages in excess of $50,000. He is represented by Brady McAninch of Hipskind & McAninch in Belleville.

Madison County Circuit Court case number: 23-LA-001437


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