
Hunter Biden settles child support dispute


Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Hunter Biden settles child support dispute

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Independence County Circuit Court

BATESVILLE, Arkansas – Presidential son Hunter Biden set out to prove he needed to pay less for support of his child and ended up agreeing to pay more before a hearing was set to take place today.

Biden agreed to an upward deviation in support for his child in Arkansas as part of a settlement with mother Lunden Roberts on June 16.

Independence County Circuit Judge Holly Meyer approved the settlement on June 29.

Meyer had previously set a hearing for July 10 on a motion to put Biden in jail for six months for civil and criminal contempt.

The record doesn’t disclose the former support amount or the current one.

Biden agreed to assign his paintings to Roberts and pay the legal bill of her counsel, Clinton Lancaster and Jennifer Lancaster of Benton.

He also agreed that years from now he’ll discuss college options.

Roberts sued Biden in 2019, after he denied paternity.

When genetic testing proved paternity, Biden signed an affidavit that he was unemployed and had no monthly income.

“I currently have significant debts in part as a result of obligations arising from my divorce which was final in April 2017 that are being calculated by accountants,” he wrote.

Meyer previously set a final hearing in May 2020, but Roberts and Biden reached an agreement.

Biden reopened the case last year, moving to modify support due to a change in circumstances.

Lancaster opposed modification on behalf of Roberts and moved to change the child’s name to Biden.

He claimed the name was synonymous with the well educated, successful, financially acute, and politically powerful.

He called Hunter Biden a wildly successful businessman.

Biden’s counsel Brent Langdon of Texarkana, Texas, responded that, “The notoriety would no doubt rob this child of peaceful existence.”

Meyer's order didn't address the motion to change the child's name. 

Lancaster moved for discovery on Biden’s legal bills in April, claiming they would indicate his income and ability to pay.

Biden resisted, and Meyer set a hearing.

A day before the hearing, Biden produced his bills.

Lancaster moved for contempt in May, alleging violation of discovery orders.

He claimed he didn’t believe Biden would ever fully answer discovery.

Meyer set a hearing and notified Biden that his ability to pay child support was, or might become, a critical issue in the proceeding.

She stated he’d have an opportunity to respond to questions about his financial status.

She stated he was subject to an express finding that he had the ability to pay.

He and Roberts settled 11 days later.

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