
In support of Ming Mendoza


Saturday, March 29, 2025

In support of Ming Mendoza

Letter to the Editor
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To the Editor:

In 2018, I was hired to monitor the early in-person and mail-in voting in Madison County.

When early voting began, I was introduced to County Clerk Debbie Ming Mendoza. She answered all my questions and couldn’t have been more transparent. (Worth noting, it was clear that she had instructed her staff to assist me with anything I needed). During the course of early voting, there were few, if any problems. I was never refused access to anything. I was allowed to verify or examine everything requested.

I found the entire experience to be refreshing. It actually restored my faith in our election process.

Clerk Ming Mendoza and her entire staff could not have done a better job. Reports requested were sent on time. The checks and balances of an honest election process were clear and present at all times.

It takes a lot of people to manage and run any election. And yes, errors admittedly have occurred this year in Madison County. I am not surprised, all things considered, that it hasn’t been worse. I am also not surprised to see Debbie Ming Mendoza accept responsibility for an honest error, she is that kind of person.

What Debbie Ming Mendoza won’t do is place the blame where it really belongs, Jay Hoffman, Katie Stuart and Christopher Belt. They caused this entire judicial re-districting nightmare.

I can’t claim to know Debbie Ming Mendoza personally. I am not a Democrat or Republican. I’m just a moderate conservative who takes great pleasure in exposing public corruption.

During my work in the 2018 election I didn’t find any smoking guns, I only found a dedicated public servant and staff with a tremendous amount of integrity.

Debbie Ming Mendoza is a class act. Voters in Madison County are fortunate to have someone with her integrity overseeing their elections. I only wish those who caused this mess would admit their errors and stop trying to garner judicial votes through unnecessary re-districting.

Brad Van Hoose, Belleville


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