
Woman sues Alton casino over slip and fall


Sunday, March 9, 2025

Woman sues Alton casino over slip and fall

Casino image

A woman sued a casino over a slip and fall. | Photo by J.D.S., Shutterstock

EDWARDSVILLE - A Cahokia Heights woman claims she was injured when she slipped and fell at the Argosy Casino in Alton. 

Johnitta McCall filed the lawsuit in the Madison County Circuit Court against Alton Casino, doing business as Argosy Casino in Alton. 

According to the complaint, McCall was on her way to the restroom at the casino on Nov. 8, 2020, when she allegedly "slipped and fell on wet slippery tile." She claims that as she tried to stand up, she slipped again.

McCall claims the casino was "careless and negligent" in maintaining the establishment.

"Defendant had a duty to maintain its premises in a reasonably safe condition for its patrons and invitees," the suit states.

As a result of her fall, McCall allegedly suffered serious personal injuries. She also claims she suffered "pain and anguish in both mind and body," and incurred medical bills.

McCall seeks more than $50,000 in damages, plus legal costs. She is represented by Mark Scoggins of Crowder & Scoggins in Columbia.

Madison County Circuit Court case number 22LAOOO972


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