
Plummer: Why I support Jennifer Korte


Sunday, March 16, 2025

Plummer: Why I support Jennifer Korte

Letter to the Editor


To the Editor:

Why I 100% support Jennifer Korte for State Representative for IL District 112:

Katie Stuart was hand-picked and funded by Mike Madigan and his minions and she is controlled by Chicago insiders, says Joe Hackler, who wants to run against her. This is all true.

Unfortunately, Joe Hackler himself just moved into Madison County about 5 minutes ago, has malleable beliefs as he is known locally to assist progressive Democrats in local races, and, most importantly, he himself was hand-picked and is completely funded by Chicago politician Jim Durkin and his minions.

The deceit is audacious. Madison and St. Clair County citizens deserve to be represented by someone who shares their values and doesn't need Google maps to get around the district. They deserve to be represented by someone in Springfield who isn't completely beholden to out of town special interests.  

Katie Stuart and Joe Hackler are basically two peas in a pod - neither is independent and neither will put the interests of Metro East taxpayers first. The only difference is the letter after their last name, one says "D" and one says "R." The reality is both should just say "C," for Chicago, where their political bosses sit while pulling their strings.

A vote for anyone but Jennifer Korte is literally a vote for the same political insiders that have neglected Madison and St. Clair County voters for far too long and ruined our great state. We don't need more of the same in Illinois and the only person running for state rep in the 112th that will be independent, thoughtful, and prioritize local issues and local opinions is Jennifer Korte. Unlike her opponents, Jennifer Korte is simply not beholden to out of town special interests.

I know Madison County. I know St. Clair County. I know the people that live here. Jennifer Korte will be a strong and independent voice for the Metro East. The slanderous attacks and desperate lies being said about her and her family using hundreds of thousands of Chicago dollars is a sad exhibit of the degeneration of Illinois politics. We need strong citizen legislators who will fight to drain the Springfield swamp.

Jennifer Korte and her family are good people undeserving of these malicious and desperate attacks. If we ever wish to clean up Illinois we need fewer Katie Stuarts and Joe Hacklers and a lot more people willing to stand up and do the right thing like Jennifer Korte is trying to do.

I 100% stand with Jennifer Korte and her many local supporters because I believe in citizen legislators, independence, and decency.

State Senator Jason Plummer, Edwardsville


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