
In support of Jennifer Korte for State Representative


Sunday, February 23, 2025

In support of Jennifer Korte for State Representative

Letter to the Editor


To the Editor:

Can the little guy still win?

This primary election campaign has been very eye opening to say the least. We have to ask ourselves if we think the little guy still has a chance.  

We see the insiders with their well-funded campaigns flush with money spreading their message in an attempt to destroy the credibility of their opponent. This is nothing new. It's disgusting and the common guy is just sick of it and most of this stuff goes straight to the trash, where it should be. 

The Republican primary for the 112th House race is proving to be the epitome of the problem. We have a candidate that works for the ILGOP and has spent his career moving from town to town working on political campaigns and landed here in Madison County less than two years ago. He was handpicked by Jim Durkin, the House Republican Leader and is being fully funded by politicians, political PACs and committees to the tune of $190,000.  

He has run a smear campaign to try to destroy the good name of his opponent, Jennifer Korte, a lifelong resident of Madison County with a well-known family name. He has said she is a political opportunist even though she has never been involved in politics. He has said she has ties to Madigan and Pritzker, which I find utterly laughable. He has said she sat on the sidelines and did nothing while liberal democrats destroyed Illinois. This is once again another lie. Jennifer actually became very active in the fight to preserve liberty over these last few years.  

She took a leadership role in Speak for Students, a parents rights advocacy group that educated and mobilized parents to petition their local school boards for greater control of their children's education and medical decisions.  

We The People have a great opportunity to elect a truly independent voice for the people of our local area in Jennifer Korte. She owes her allegiances to no one and cannot be bought. Is this what scares the establishment so much that they are sinking this extraordinary amount of money into a campaign to defeat a regular everyday citizen?  

Jeanne Lomax, Collinsville


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