
Tenant sues over fall at Edwardsville apartment complex


Sunday, March 30, 2025

Tenant sues over fall at Edwardsville apartment complex


EDWARDSVILLE - A tenant is suing the property managers of an Edwardsville apartment complex after he allegedly fell down the stairs due to a faulty handrail. 

Larry Moiser filed a lawsuit in the Madison County Circuit Court against Fo Cam Ski, Inc. and Forrest K. Lerch, alleging negligence, premises liability and Res Ipsa Loquitur. Lerch is the president of Fo Cam Ski. 

According to the lawsuit, Moiser was a tenant at an Edwardsville apartment complex operated, managed or maintained by Fo Cam Ski on July 16, 2020, when he allegedly fell while walking on stairs located on the premises. Moiser claims he fell due to the hazardous condition of a broken and loose handrail. 

Moiser alleges the defendants knew, or should have known, about the dangerous condition and was responsible for fixing the handrail or providing a warning. 

Moiser alleges the defendants were negligent in allowing unreasonably dangerous conditions to exist on the property; failing to properly warm and adequately maintain or repair broken hand railing; failing to reasonably inspect the premises for known or unknown risk of harm or danger to tenants; failing to properly and adequately warn others of unreasonably dangerous conditions on the premises; failing to properly or adequately inspect areas and circumstances in which it was known, or should have been known, would pose danger; and failing to properly operate, manage, maintain or control the premises by allowing unreasonably dangerous conditions to exist due to poor maintenance and upkeep.

The plaintiff claims he was caused to suffer personal injuries to his right foot, right angle, right hip and right wrist. He also claims he endured pain and suffering, incurred medical expenses, and suffered loss of enjoyment of a normal life and disfigurement.

Moiser seeks a sum in excess of $50,000, plus cost of suit. He is represented by Clark Spalding of Albers Law LLC in Granite City.

Madison County Circuit Court case number 22-LA-000305


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