
Plummer on passage of judicial gerrymandering: Our court system is being politicized


Monday, March 3, 2025

Plummer on passage of judicial gerrymandering: Our court system is being politicized

Their View

What happened (Wednesday) evening, once again in the dark of night, is a historic and extreme political power grab committed by politicians who have decided they want to change the rules because they no longer like how the people of Illinois are voting.  

Even more egregiously, this is the legislative branch of government forcing unwanted changes on a separate and co-equal branch of government.  

The judicial system should not be politicized and that is the singular goal of this effort. The Democrat majority in the legislature, time and time again, have passed extremely unpopular and legally dubious new laws. 

They are now desperately trying to re-shape the judiciary so that they can continue to impose their far-left political desires on a resistant population. 

Nothing mandates or suggests they need to do this or they should do this. This offensive act merely proves their ultimate desire – to move away from impartial courts unimpeded by politics to a judiciary held hostage by politicians and that will assist the Democrat majority, as well as their special interest allies, in two ways: 1) advancing an extreme agenda that does not reflect the values of the people of Illinois, and 2) that will be economically harmful to workers, families, and businesses throughout our great state.


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