
Motorist sues over Edwardsville rear end collision


Monday, March 3, 2025

Motorist sues over Edwardsville rear end collision



EDWARDSVILLE -- A motorist is suing another driver for allegedly causing a rear end collision on Troy Road. 

Lois Foster filed a lawsuit on Nov. 22 in the Madison Country Circuit Court against Shelby Weinmann. 

According to the complaint, Weinmann was driving a Ford Mustang northbound on Troy Road near 5th Avenue in Edwardsville on Jan. 28, 2020, when she allegedly collided with the rear end of a Ford Taurus driven by Foster.

Weinmann is alleged to have operated her vehicle too closely to another vehicle, operated a vehicle at a greater speed than reasonable and proper, operated a vehicle with the gas pedal when the brake pedal was appropriate, failed to keep proper lookout for other vehicles, failed to keep vehicle under control and operated a vehicle as to cause a collision. 

Foster claims she was caused to suffer severe and permanent injuries to her head, neck, back, shoulder, ribs, right knee, right leg, right shoulder, chest and extremities. Foster also claims she suffers from loss of normal life and a disability and lost sums of money to cure injuries.

Foster seeks a sum greater than $50,000 and cost of suit. Foster is represented by Justin B. Mattea of Maryville. 

Madison Country Circuit Court case number 21-L-001402

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